There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one. -Jill Churchill
Being a mother has been one of the toughest and most rewarding jobs I've ever done. It has certainly helped me to appreciate all that my own mum has done for me.
I entered motherhood at the tender age of 24, naive and clueless! I didn't have a support network around me, lacked greatly in confidence, and read copious books to 'learn' how to be a good mum.
17 years later, and by the grace of God, I'm a changed person (for the better!) and have 3 happy, healthy and beautiful girls! When I look at my daughters, my heart swells with pride and joy! I love how special and unique they are in their differences. They constantly make me laugh, surprise me and inspire me.
My daughter's Lemon Curd Cake! YUM! |
The great paradox of a mother's job is to love them away, watch them grow into independence & confidence. Mine are certainly leaving me behind in the height department! I know I'm going to find it hard when they start to leave home!
Yes it's been jolly hard work, and there is still hard work ahead, but I wouldn't change the last 17 years for anything!
And for my own mum, I made her a Welcome Wallhanging:
Happy Mother's Day mum!
To all mum's everywhere - Well done, keep going, remember the good times.