
Sunday 17 March 2013

Better Late Than Never!

At the time of typing, there are still 49 minutes of St. Patrick's Day left! 

Happy St. Pats everyone!

I was hoping to make one of these today (just for fun!) ...

...but alas, time and a trip to Ikea got the better of me!

I did, however, manage to make one of these!

Bella's Pouch Mar13

Yep, you guessed it!  Another birthday pressie for another of my daughter's friends!  The remit was 'blue' & 'girlie' - I think I delivered!

I also made a start on some angel bee blocks, and finished off a wee secret thing I'll tell you about some other time!

Hope you've had a relaxing Sunday!  (only 40 minutes left ... eek!)


  1. That Ikea, it sneaks up on you and gets you every time ;o)

  2. Mum to the rescue....again. Happy St Paddy's day too! Di x

  3. Blue and girlie - you definitely hit the spot. I love the ricrac on it too.

  4. Hope you had fun in Ikea. That pouch would cost a fortune in the CK shop! Beautiful!

    PS - Your girls need to stop being so friendly, all these pressies will burn you out! Just kidding!

  5. Incredibly pretty pouch. Wish I had been waylaid into an Ikea. I love losing a day there when possible.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What a lovely St Patrick shamrock! Now I know what I will make for an Ireland addicted friend! Thanks a lot!!!

  8. Happy St.Patrick's Day for yesterday J - I love your patchwork shamrock.

  9. Love the festive fun shamrock than again that's a great day I was born. SMiles

  10. That is a beautiful pouch! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too and a trip to IKEA is always fun.

  11. Lovely pouch. I live too far away from Ikea which I regret and am relieved about in equal measures...I think!

  12. Hope you got lots of nice things in Ikea?! Love the pouch!

  13. That is a pouch to make any girl happy!!!

  14. Oh you have made me want to go to IKEA now dammit!

  15. now was the trip to ikea successful?? I really want one of those wee teal coloured trolley thingies with wheels I have seen all over blogs and instagram!! Lovely pouch and def fits the brief!!

  16. Happy St Pat's to you! Perfect way to celebrate :)


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