
Thursday 21 March 2013

Plus Quilt Finished!

Jonah's Plus quilt Mar13 003
Approx. 60" x 68"
This quilt is for my youngest nephew. The background story & tutorial links are here.

Jonah's Plus quilt Mar13 009
The back
In the end I quilted it in concentric circles, 2.5" apart.  It reminds me a bit of an archer's target board!

Jonah's Plus quilt Mar13 018
I need to practise my free motion writing a bit more!
I'm pleased with how quickly this quilt came together, and I love the colour scheme in it.  I think this special wee man will like it, and it's big enough to grow with him too!

Jonah's Plus quilt Mar13 012

I hope you are having a lovely Thursday!


  1. Amazing finish. Cannot imagine why you think you need to practice at writing it's terrific!! Definitely fit for a superhero!

  2. Judith that is stunning, I love, love love it x

  3. It is the perfect boy quilt. Just beautiful. Di x

  4. As Di said above, perfect boy quilt. And I love the way you have done the back too!

  5. Perfect indeed! And no need for practice!

  6. Oh wow, he is going to love it! Love how you have quilted it

  7. Its fantastic Judith! Perfect for a very special boy x

  8. This quilt is completely and utterly gorgeous. The colours are fantastic and the back is just as great as the front. One lucky nephew is all I can say.

  9. Absolutely beautiful! The circular quilting is amazing!

  10. Looks great, and I love the quilting :o)

  11. That's an awesome man quilt. The colors and pattern are great for a fella and the quilting sets it off perfectly. Great finish!

  12. This is a really lovely boys quilt, colour palette is great and I love how the back works with it too!

  13. It's wonderful! and the quilting is brilliant!

  14. Love everything about this quilt!


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