
Saturday 16 March 2013

Breathing New Life Into Old!

Today I hosted my first Upcycling Furniture Workshop!

A good friend of mine was 'teacher' for the day & showed our keen recyclers how to make 'Annie Sloan' style chalky paint - which means no prepping or undercoat on the furniture required.

Upcycling Furniture Workshop Mar13

The ladies had brought a great selection of furniture, and the paint colours being mixed were vintage and retro.  Ros also gave us lots of ideas and inspiration on how to decoupage, distress and wax furniture to get a range of different finishes.

Upcycling Furniture Workshop Mar13

This was a really fun day, and everyone seemed to enjoy the process of transforming something plain or old-fashioned into a new and stylish item.  Well done ladies!  I hope you continue breathing new life into old furniture!

I really must get on with transforming my own tired and uninspiring pieces!


  1. Oh I love that one from my other grandmother. Would love to come and do one of these classes one day.

  2. This is one of my favourite things to do! Great paint colours - that is the sort of class I love!

  3. The main reason for me to move to Belfast is to attend your classes, help Bee Blessed and hang out with you. Seems to be more than enough incentive as far as I can see.

  4. I love the flowery drawers. Sorry, the flowery chest of drawers ;o)

  5. What an inspiring class... Wish something like that was on offer here. :-)

  6. Oh Judith they all look sooo good, well done Roz !

  7. Judith, I'm mortified you took that photo of me! Thankfully the face is disguised! What a fun, productive day it was. I'm already sneaking other bits of furniture out to the garage to paint and hoping the hubby doesn't notice! :)

  8. These all look great, I'd love to give something like that a go!

  9. Looks like a great way to spend the day x

  10. Looks like a brilliant class. Di x

  11. What a lovely idea for a class. I've done some on my own before now, which is never as much fun as when you're in a group, and you don't get the creative bounce around when you're on your tod in a cold garage!

  12. Another class I would love to take...I need to move to your neck of the woods!

  13. Great idea, I have an old chair i'm planned to tackle for my new sewing room.

  14. Looks like it was great fun. Did you try anything yourself?

  15. Looks like a fun class. Another I wish I could join in on!

  16. Oh that looked like a great day, I imagine Ryanair would charge for carry on furniture..?

  17. how wonderful to recycle and have such a great creative time day at the same time.

  18. for some reason all reply's are going to my email however I can not see them. I wanted to post back and say the hard work really paid off beautifully

  19. Seriously. When are you teaching in Galway?


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