
Tuesday 19 March 2013

For the Love of Purple!

A young member of my family has a birthday coming up, and I needed to make something suitable for posting.

So I thought a Journal Cover & notebook would be ok - girls always have secret things to write, don't they!

Nadine's Journal cover 005
Sadly, the rubbish light today is making these pics appear more blue than purple!
Now this young lady's favourite colour is purple - a girl after my own heart! Feel the purple-love!!

Nadine's Journal cover 004

I was recently given a lovely collection of buttons, and thought this cute wee guy worked v.well with the dragonflies in one of the prints.

Nadine's Journal cover 002

So that's my make for today!

Nadine's Journal cover 003

Tonight I have my youngest's school Spring Spectacular Concert, her first in her new school. She's performing in the band and choir!

I will try not to cry!

I hope you are having a lovely Tuesday!


  1. Loving the purple bliss! Perfect for a young lady to get it all out of her head and onto paper. The cute little button is the perfect touch :)

  2. Love the journal and can't believe you made it in one day. Enjoy tonight.

  3. Looks great. I'm sure the birthday girl will love it!

  4. Another beautiful gift Judith! Don't forget to stash some tissues for tonight, enjoy!

  5. Loving this purple patch on your blog - it's not a colour I use a lot but I do like it and you have used it so well. The journal cover is gorgeous.

  6. Great make! Enjoy the concert x

  7. Beautiful, I love purple too. Enjoy your evening.x

  8. Very pretty! Hope you enjoyed the concert :)

  9. Beautiful journal cover and a lovely present. If you cry tonight don't snivel! That is soooo embarrassing Mum. Lol. Di x

  10. Love the journal, the colours are fab x

  11. Lovely!
    I will be at a recorder concert tomorrow, there will be tears of pain!

  12. Perfect, hope both you and Hadders survive ;o)

  13. I'm sure you have been a very proud mum tonight! Feeling the purple love all the way over here. Smashing gift!

  14. I bet you cried, I think you are supposed to. I love the purple notebook!


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