
Wednesday 13 March 2013

Oh Boy!

Youngest nephew goes into hospital in a few weeks time, for major surgery on his leg.  He will be in a wheel chair for 6 weeks post op, so I thought a cosy quilt might be just the ticket!

Jonah's quilt 003
Doesn't that gorgeous blue sky compliment the quilt perfectly!
I've admired quite a few of these Plus quilts around blogland, and thought this would make a great 'boy' quilt pattern.

I recently bought a few turquoise & navy fqs and combined them with other blues and reds from my stash to get this quilt top up to 60" x 70" ( a few shirts may have been harmed in the making of this quilt top!).

And with the leftover squares I made a giant Plus for the back with some lush royal blue linen and solid red.

Jonah's quilt Mar13

The original pattern for this quilt is here, although I didn't follow it and have sized mine differently from the original.  It's a really easy pattern, but you do need a large design board or floor space to lay out all the pluses.

The question now is - how to quilt it?


  1. awffy kind auntie you are x

  2. Fab quilt! Poor little chap, hope he recovers quickly :)

  3. Oooo it looks lovely! What a nice Auntie you are!

  4. It's gorgeous, Judith! Hope it brings healing and comfort!

  5. It's lovely! I quilted the one I made Mum about half an inch either side of the seams in all directions - if that make sense. But I'm not one for fancy quilting big quilts...or small for that matter.

  6. J it is a real 'boy' quilt. It matches the sky (in your neck of the woods, not mine)! I await to see how you quilt it as I do not have any suggestions. Di x

  7. Love it, especially for a boy...will def aid recovery x

  8. I'm sorry to hear about your nephew - the quilt is going to be gorgeous J.

  9. He's lucky to have an auntie like you. Hope the surgery goes well.

  10. I never tire of seeing plus quilts, they are just so cool! Hope your nephew has a very speedy recovery.

  11. Hope the surgery goes well and that your nephew doesn't suffer too much with it all. I love the quilt...I'd quilt it 1/4" on the inside of each plus to make them stand out.

  12. I love it! I am sure he will too. I am terrible at deciding how to quilt things x

  13. I love it! I am sure he will too. I am terrible at deciding how to quilt things x

  14. I love it! I am sure he will too. I am terrible at deciding how to quilt things x

  15. It's gorgeous and I'm sure it will cheer him up and bring him comfort before and after his op. How about quilting with wiggly lines?

  16. That sounds nippy, but glad he's got something to hide from the doctors under now!

  17. I love these plus quilts even more every time I see one! Your fabrics choices are so beautiful and just fab for a boy. Hope all goes well with your nephew's op. He's going to be the coolest wrapped up post operative boy in town with this to snuggle under!

  18. This is absolutely gorgeous! I LOVE the colours and the pattern is complemented so well by the fabrics. The blue sky is gorgeous too. I hope your nephew has a speedy recovery.

  19. Lovely quilt Jude, he will love it. Hope his op goes ok

  20. Oh boy indeedy! Gorgeous, your nephew is going to love it!


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