
Friday 29 March 2013

It Is Finished!

Around this time of year, a very long time ago, these words were spoken and revolutionised the Christian world for the next 2000+ years!

My version of 'It Is Finished' is much less significant and much more of a relief!

I am now officially on holiday for Easter - a whole week off!! Yippee!

Here are the finished projects from Thursday night & Friday morning classes:

EPP Starflower Class Mar13
EPP Starflower Wallhanging

Value Quilt Class Mar13
Value Quilt - pattern available here
Well done ladies for sticking with some technical stages in your projects.   Enjoy your beautiful creations!

On the home front, I have several projects on the go and as many patterns to write for next term's classes!  I will try v.hard not to sneak in work stuff during my week off!


  1. Some beautiful finishes. Happy Easter J and have a good time away from work. Di x

  2. Enjoy your time off with the family. Your class is doing brilliant under your guidance but I am sure they would love for you to return rested and raring to go, not exhausted.

  3. Happy Easter Judith and enjoy your holidays! Beautiful works from your classes! x Teje

  4. Happy Easter. It never ceases to amaze me how the same block / pattern looks so different in different fabric.

  5. I love all the starflowers! Oh, and I agree with Susan! Get plenty of rest (and chocolate!) and hopefully some spring sunshine!

  6. Such wonderful finishes, you must be very proud of our ladies :). Happy Easter Jude x

  7. Beautiful finishes; I especially love the top-middle lady's value quilt.

    Have a good break, you blimming deserve it!

  8. Lovely makes by your ladies :) Happy Easter Jude xx

  9. Didn't they do well? Enjoy your week off :o)

  10. Happy Easter J....have a lovely rest, the makes from class look grt x

  11. Oh my. I love those EPPs they're really gorgeous! Hope you get to indulge in lots of non- work stitching on your week off!

  12. Wonderful work, well done ladies.

  13. Have a wonderful holiday! It's well deserved. Loving the EPP in the upper right in particular. Beautiful. The Value Quilts are giving me some great ideas :)


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