
Tuesday 12 March 2013

A Little Progress!

Bee Blessed last Saturday was smaller in number, but no less diminished in heart, soul (and cheese & biscuits!).

Here are some progress shots:

Bee Blessed In Progress Mar13

And this is what our project table looks like at the moment! 

Bee Blessed Project table Mar13

We've recently developed a 'ticket' system where each project has a 'tick list' pinned to it, showing all the stages of quilt production.  As each stage is completed, e.g. finalise layout, sew blocks together, make backing, etc it gets ticked off the list, so that the next person to work on that project knows exactly what has been done on it so far!

And 2 baby finishes:

Bee Blessed baby quilts 002
The monkey quilt on the right was hand delivered to me in Hastings by this lovely lady!
Thank you to those of you who have sent in Funky Wrench blocks so far this month!  They look amazing, and it's going to make a fabulous quilt for Siblings Together!

Hope you are staying warm!


  1. You guys have turned into a veritable factory! What good work you do.

  2. they all look great :)i've had the funky wrench blocks sitting in my sewing room for what seems like ever, i was just wondering how i should give them to you, should i post them?


  3. Wow! You girls are organised. I would love to be a fly on the wall. Di x

  4. Great work Jude and the girls!

  5. Will see if I can do a few blocks before the end of the month if thats cool. x

  6. Great system! And my how busy you've been!

  7. Looks like a great production line!

  8. These pics just go to show how much we really do have on the go!

  9. OH MY GOODNESS YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! Simply incredible.


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