Thursday, 1 December 2011

Monster Mosaic!

Well it's the first of December!!!

The advent calendar is up and full of sweeties!

And I'll be saying 'no' to repeated requests to put the Christmas decorations up for another week at least (baaah Humbug)!

The first of the month means a round up of the previous month's work, linking to Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day.

My mosaic for November is a monster one!

And that's not everything!
No wonder I'm so tired!

Hope you've had a creative November too!

Judith xo


  1. You have been busy Judith - lovely advent calendar!

  2. Whoooa, what a month Judith and thanks for reminding me about the advent calendar - oops!!

  3. I am glad to see I'm not the only one that has been really busy last month. Wonderful makes!

  4. Wow another person that's been very busy this month. My mosaic is going to look a bit 'light' by comparison! Lots of lovelies here though!

  5. Did you make that advent calendar? It's gorgeous!

    Great mosaic. Seriously impressive. The zippered bag complete with eyes and tongue has to be my favourite

  6. OMG! Thats a whole lot of finishes!

  7. What a wonderful collection of finishes!

  8. All your projects are so lovely!

  9. Wow, Judith!! You sure have been productive!! And with so many different projects. I somehow missed seeing the stuff in the 3rd row (pincushions or draft dodgers? And the lovely little collage scenes). You amaze and inspire me:0)

  10. Amazing work Judith! Gorgeous stuff, I hope you sell lots of it before Christmas!

  11. Wow, that's a wonderful mosaic - do you fancy lending me the photos you didn't use, I've only made one thing!! Hope you get some rest before Christmas!

  12. Wow.. very productive month. Loving the draw string bags and zippered pouches.

  13. Wow - doesn't it look like a year's worth!!

  14. Some people are just too prolific - I feel like I stood still! Well done Judith are you resting in December or keeping up the work rate!?

  15. Wow! I take my hat off at your creativity.

  16. Go on - make the rest of us feel bad! Just kidding - great makes!

  17. Yup, definitely why you're tired! Great job this month :o)

  18. Fab mosaic! You are wonderwoman! Get yourself some of those chocolates now.

  19. amazing, you have done loads and its all fantastic! Where do you get your time from

  20. Yeah, you win!! That's so much making :) I recognise the style of that advent, I've just done one too!! I wish I'd had gold thread though, yours look gorgeous :)

  21. wow - you defo take out the 'done' award for november!

  22. Your advent calendar is too cute. You have been very busy. Great projects.

  23. Wow looks like you had an amazing crafty November

  24. I love snowmen!! They just warm me !! Thanks for sharing!! Hugs

  25. It is a wonderful mosaic - from a great sewing month. Also, I love your advent calendar.


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