There are a few changes afoot this year in Brit Bee.
Firstly, our precious mate Terri is stepping down for a bit (but as
Judith D found out, you never really leave Brit Bee!).
T Bone - we salute you! |
The lovely
Di is stepping into the breach, which wasn't a big step for her at all as she was practically a Brit Bee-er already anyways!
Welcome Di! (far right) |
This year in Brit Bee we are doing something completely different, and so exciting it will make your toes curl!!
We are going to shamelessly jump on the Medallion band-wagon!
The 'Clever Ones' in the group have crunched the numbers and logistics of making a medallion design work through the whole group. This means we start off making our centre block, send it out into the Brit Bee ether, and over a year later we will get back our finished medallion quilt top! How cool is that!
I love that we will all make a contribution to each others' quilts, be working more from stash, and won't know quite what our finished quilt will look like until it hits the door mat at the end!!
I would love to display my first medallion quilt in my newly decorated front room. I've taken these fabrics and colours as my inspiration and point of reference, (though the actual fabrics don't have to be used).
From Design Seeds |
And using the 'New Jersey' foundation pieced star from this book ....
....I made my centre star and block, ready to pass onto the next person in line!
Unfortunately the colours in this picture aren't very true, but I'm hoping for duck egg greens and teals, creams and taupes, with accents of raspberry red and vintage green.
I really enjoyed foundation piecing this centre star, despite finishing late last night and discovering a wee hole!!! Aagghhh.
But I managed to patch it up, thanked Carol Doak in my head for providing such an ace pattern, and got it swiftly parcelled it up before I found anymore mistakes!!
It will be on its way to you
Ceri this week!