Thursday, 15 September 2016

Scrappy Strips Quilt

I think it's time I said farewell to summer!

My first ever harvest of apples!
We have enjoyed an Indian summer here, but temperatures are starting to drop and I'm feeling the need for an extra layer!

So just enough time to show you my last 'summer' quilt.

Scrappy Strips Quilt (British P&Q Sept16)
Photo: British Patchwork & Quilting
This is imaginatively called the 'Scrappy Strips Quilt' ('it does exactly what it says on the tin!'). Scrappy quilts are my all time favourite, and I had so much fun one weekend delving into a pile of scrappy strips and sewing them together.

Scrappy Strips Quilt (British P&Q Sept16)
Photo: British Patchwork & Quilting
I love making strip pieced blocks.  I used 2" white strips through each block, but that's pretty much where the uniformity ends!

The coloured strips are of varying widths and very little thought went into what strip got sewed on next.  I don't even like all of the fabrics in this quilt, but I LOVE the finished look.  That's the magic which happens when a little bit of courage and random fabrics get mixed together.

Scrappy Strips Quilt (British Patchwork & Quilting Sept16)

The quilt is currently in the September issue of British Patchwork & Quilting Magazine, and measures a decent 66" x 77".  I could easily have gone bigger, I hardly made a dent in my scraps!

Scrappy Strips Quilt (British Patchwork & Quilting Sept16)

So it's goodbye summer, and hello beautiful Autumn!

Jude xo


  1. I started a string quilt earlier this summer but used a dark strip through each block. Family pressures meant I haven't got much done but this beauty is really inspiring me to find time to finish it!

  2. This is gorgeus, Judith! Oh, you make me want to pick the fabrics and make this too! x Teje

  3. Great quilt. I have my strips saved and that is where I am at as to making a string quilt.

  4. Very fresh,lovely quilt Jude would make a good ST2 quilt...Doti..

  5. hello Autumn, I threw my sandals out yesterday. Its a beautiful quilt, amazing how disparate fabrics all pull together in the end to create something so nice. The total is the sum of its parts as they say.

  6. You know I love this - nothing beats a scrappy quilt right!

  7. Such an amazing designs. I am in love with these clothes designs.


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