Sunday, 1 September 2013

A New Term!

It's hard for me to believe that it is September, the end of summer, the start of Autumn (supposedly) and a return to early mornings and the school routine for my 3 girls.

I'm not going to reflect on the summer, except to show you here what I made in August.

aug13 Roundup

August 13 bee blocks

Now I'm focussed on looking forward to the new term of classes, (for me and my girls!) and in many ways, a new beginning and hopefully a new 'normal'.

September also heralds the return of Bee Blessed, and the new block of the month.

Check out the tutorial here if you fancy having a go at this easy peasy Double 4 Patch block for us.

Thank you for all the donations of blocks over the summer. I'm looking forward to catching up with fellow Bee members and seeing the blocks all come together.  We will also be starting preparations for our Fund Raiser/Exhibition in November, but more on that nearer the time!

Have a great start to the new month!

Linking up with Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day.



  1. Hi Judith! You have made so many beautiful things! I have missed that adorable tea cosy! I love that fabric in yellow - I have it in blue. Same here, I can't believe it's already September. This summer has been busy and hot and I'm so happy for the autumn (even we don't have it here yet).
    Happy sewing September! x Teje

  2. I absolutely love the cushions you've made - the apples and pear one is fantastic!

  3. What a gorgeous bundle of loveliness. I love that apple and pear cushion too but the tea cosy is fabulous. I wouldn't mind given that a try. Have a beautiful September Marie x

  4. I love the doggie. Have been meaning to make one for ages but another thing I've not gotten around to!

  5. Love your tea cosy. Hope the new term isn't too stressful tomorrow morning!

  6. Great month of makes Judith, thinking of you and your lovely girls as you start a new term. xx

  7. You had a great summer of makes, and good luck finding your normal :o)

  8. I too love the cushions and all the rest too! School starts here on Tuesday too, so it is time to set up the new fall routines. Fall is my favourite season, I hope you have a lovely fall too.

  9. Thinking of you all, and wishing you as wonderful a new normal as mine. Sadly, I don't think I can help with Bee Blessed block this month, as I can't even sit at my machine at the moment...sorry! x

  10. Very cute makings! That dog is so cute and I especially love the hexie cushion :)

  11. Wow! Lovely, lovely makes! Fantastic bee blessed block, too! So sorry I'll be missing the meetings, but I'll be with you in spirit. Sending lots of love and good wishes for e next few months! xx


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