
Saturday 7 June 2014

Anyone for Lunch?

So I was sitting at my sewing window yesterday, working on this ....

..... when this van pulled up outside my house!

Meals on Wheels for my elderly neighbours!
Talk about a coincidence!

The project in question was a lunch bag.  In fact, one of several lunchbags!

But I'm having major problems uploading my photos from Flickr at the mo that I'm going to see if I can upload them a different way.

Flickr seems to have limited the size of photo you can upload, and they are just too small for blogger! The 'Download all Sizes' option doesn't work, so if any of you techy brains out there can help me, I'm all ears!

And if you want to check out Shannon's first quilt (for Bee Blessed) have a look here! It's brilliant!
Have a great weekend!

Jude xo


  1. Not sure about flickr, I just load my photos on as they are from when I put them on the computer from my camera, the same ones go on my blog. Popped over and saw Shannon`s quilt, amazed especially at the quilting which I cannot seem to get my head round also left a comment

  2. My current irritation is that I appear to have synced all my pics and my phone ones now upload automatically to Flickr which I then go in to delete because not everything I snap is destined for Flickr.
    Not having probs with pic size though, my new camera images are large but they seem to upload as normal. Tricky stuff. (Loved Shannon's quilt, brilliant.)

  3. Lol, very good!

    Sorry, I use blogger to host my photos rather than Flickr.

  4. Hi Judith! Your Project looks Super fun! Great timeing to get photo of the van! I load photos to my blog straight from my computer's exterior memory. I never used to use very much flickr as it was slow and un-comfy at least in the beginning. Have a lovely weekend! x Teje

  5. For a minute there I thought you had sorted your phobia of cooking! ;-)
    I download my photos onto my computer and then the ones I want to use in the blog I crop/mosaic/whatever in picmonkey and lower the resolution so they upload more easily. Then I save then back into my photos files and upload from there. It is really quick and easy. Picmonkey - the basic version - is free and so easy to use. I used to take forever to upload photos to the blog but not any more. Give it a try. It might work for you.

  6. I put my photos on a file on my computer, and from there I use them for blogging or for flickr... and sometimes for both...Uploading doesn't seem to be a problem..

  7. That's hilarious! Your stitching looks so cute! I also put my pics straight on the computer and upload from there.

  8. I use the files from my computer onto blogger not flickr. Shannon's quilt is brilliant! She did a fabulous job!

  9. Old before your time bird!
    I rarely bother with flickr these days, so not much help.
    Off to visit Shannon now xxx

  10. If anything the changes with flickr mean you can upload bigger pictures than previously. Other half was having difficulties uploading so he switched to Firefox and said that works a treat for uploading.

  11. Love the lunch bags. I'm with Susan , I load to my computer and crop etc using the free tools on pic monkey and then back to the picture library! If you save at the middle picture level it will easily save to the computer and it up load. Marie x

  12. The van is hilarious and just a little bit weird lol.

  13. What a coincidence! Looking forward to seeing the lunch bags. Re: Flickr: after uploading your image, I found that if you click on "download / all sizes" you can then click on "view all sizes" at the bottom next to the "download" button. This takes you to the old Flickr interface and you can embed as normal from here x


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