
Monday 9 June 2014

Stash Building

I spent a lovely weekend by the sea with some great friends!

We took a break from eating and chatting to visit the lovely Alice (Fabric Yard) and drool over her gorgeous fabrics!

Here are my purchases (yes you are seeing Christmas fabrics there!) with a little jar of lovelies I picked up in The French Rooms, Bushmills.

Alice has so many fab fabrics it was hard to stick to what I needed.  Check out her full range here and a brilliant new website. With £1 flat rate P&P you get a great deal, and stay tuned here for a wee giveaway later in the week.

When I got home, I pegged up 12 quilts on my washing line! 

These are Bee Blessed quilts which will soon be shipped out to Zimbabwe Orphan Care.  In fact 13 quilts will be going out to keep 13 beautiful adopted children warm during the cold African winters (as you can see, I could only fit 12 onto my line!).

Some of them were donated by a friend of Bee Blessed.  Those of you who are regular contributors may recognise some of the other quilts we have worked on this past year.

These quilts go out with our prayers & blessings of comfort, warmth, peace and hope. Thank you for being a part of this blessing.

I hope you all enjoyed a great weekend.

Jude xo


  1. what a wonderful array of quilts, good to see them made up and soon on the way to some children.. Off to check out fabric yard now.

  2. I am so glad you had a good weekend. And what a great array of quilts indeed.

  3. a nice break for you, shame about Saturday's weather. isn't the French Rooms a great spot? your quilts look great, the children will be delighted with them

  4. Do your neighbours refer to you as the mad quilt lady? ;-) Gorgeous line of quilty loveliness Jude. Your weekend sounds fab.

  5. what a wonderful line full xx we have had 3 days of thunder and monsoon type rain .. so my washing line is very empty xx Have fun with all your fabrics .. esp the Christmas ones xx

  6. Good to hear you had a great weekend and lovely fabric choices. Those quilts are amazing!

  7. glad you had a fab weekend and those quilts look amazing and so so precious!x

  8. Beautiful quilts for such a beautiful and loving cause - Truly Bee Blessed!

  9. 13 quilts! That's incredible! I'm so happy to hear they're on the way to their forever homes. Love what you do, Judith (and Sarah).

  10. what a great cause for the quilts. You guys rock

  11. Wow! Those quilts! I am a newby to your blog (and Bee Blessed) I found you through Cindy at Fluffy Sheep Quilting :) I'm really hoping to be able to send you some quilt blocks soon, I think what you do is AMAZING! xx

  12. Look at all those marvellous quilts - well done to all involved with BB!
    P.S. Gorgeous new fabrics!

  13. Beautiful quilts, kindness like this is overwhelming sometimes. x


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