
Thursday 5 June 2014

Good News!

Well the good news is Mr Pfaff has been returned to me safe and sound.  With a fixed circuit board and foot pedal, he is purring again like a dream!  Phew!

Thank you 'Mr Sewing Machine Fix It Guy'!  You Rock!

And here are a few more smiling faces!

This is the 'remnant' of my Beginners Sewing Class who completed their cushions and tote bags this week!  6 others couldn't make it to the last evening, but they all deserve a huge pat on the back for overcoming their fears and getting started on their sewing machines!

Keeeeeeeeeeep Sewing!

Jude xo


  1. Yay for Mr Fix It and the fab newbies :o)

  2. good to read your machine is repaired and so quickly too. Lovely collection of your students stitchery

  3. 13 new converts to the cause! GlAd you are back in action with mr Pfaff.

  4. So glad Pfaff isn't living up to its ironic name, and love the ladies and cushions shot. Have a great weekend Jude :)

  5. Ladies, they're looking fantastic! Wonderful finishes!
    Love that Mr. Pfaff is up and running again. Good little fella ;)

  6. glad mr pfaff is feeling loads better. my mr janome may go for a holiday whilst I lam on my holidays.
    the cushions and tote bags look great

  7. Good news, I dread something expensive happening to my machine! Also great to see some happy new stitchers x

  8. Woohoo! Glad it is all fixed xx

  9. Glad to hear you are back in business. Your classes are doing so well.

  10. They look so happy and so they should: their cushions are fabulous!


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