
Saturday 26 October 2013

Ladies Wot Lunch!

Today was about celebrating and having fun with friends!

My 'almost 18' year old daughter opened her presents this morning before heading off for the weekend.  I will blog about the things I made for her tomorrow - her official birthday!

As for me, I dined in style, at the best location ....

Slieve Donard Hotel, Newcastle, Co.Down
...and with the best of friends!

A lovely girly afternoon at Slieve Donard!

The usual bout of laughter and nattering ensued, a day full of gorgeous wee treats!

Pouch from Di

I could quite happily be a 'lady wot lunches' every Saturday!

Thank you my lovely friends for a wonderful afternoon.

And while the fireworks go crazy outside and make my dog have a nervous breakdown, don't forget to put your clocks back all you UK peeps!



  1. I'd totally forgotten about the clock! I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad to have realised this, as I'm working all this weekend, and it might just be another hour of misery :o(

    Still, glad you all had fun!

  2. Slieve Donard Hotel looks wonderful. It has been a very long time since I was there!! It looks so gorgeous. Nothing like have a fabulous lunch with friends!!! Loving that purse. Amazing how quickly our children grow up!

  3. looks like a lovely day, you deserve a day to be treated!

  4. Looks like you had a fabulous day: I can imagine all the laughing

  5. Looks like you had a well deserved fabulous day! Xx

  6. Lady lady wot lunches every Saturday! Now I'm back to my pretensions of grandeur - princess, lady wot lunches .....

    So enjoyed our time together yesterday! Would you em me some pics of the three of us cos I didn't have the camera? (And thanks for not uploading the rosy cheeked one!)

  7. Look at the colour of that grass - no wonder it's called the Emerald isle!!
    Glad you had such a good day.x

  8. Sounds like a lovely way to spend a Saturday! You all look lovely too xxx

  9. Looks a bit windy over with you too! Glad you had some giggles!

  10. What a lovely photo of you and your friends, Judith! Looks like a perfect day! x Teje

  11. Lovely photo of you three! x

  12. You guys! I hope you had cake x

  13. So good you could have some girlie time out.


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