
Sunday 27 October 2013

Baby No More!

This little cutie .....

turns 18 years of age today!  Wow!  How did that happen!

She is away for the weekend, celebrating with friends. But yesterday we opened her pressies.  Wanna see what I made her?

Log cabin Circles for Shannon Oct13

This quilt is called Log Cabin Circles, made with Amy Butler Soul Blossoms (chosen by Shannon) and beautifully long arm quilted in hearts by my friend Janette.

Shannon's 18th Birthday Quilt Oct13

It's a sizeable quilt at approx. 77" x 77", and one that Shannon wants to take away with her to uni next year.

Shannon's 18th Birthday Quilt Oct13

She also hinted at needing some new pjs, after seeing me making some after FQ retreat in July!

Shannon's birthday pjs Oct13

Like the others I've made, these too are made from a charity shop vintage sheet, and she loves them!

I will be spending the day coming to terms with the fact that my beautiful baby is a baby no longer.  I'm so proud of the sensitive and talented woman she has become.   Happy birthday my sweet girl!



  1. Aww, they grow up so quickly! What a gorgeous quilt for a gorgeous girl :)

  2. Fantastic, what a lucky girl to have such wonderful presents lovingly made for her!

  3. Stunning on all fronts! Fabulous quilt, beautiful PJ's and a gorgeous girl to be so proud of! Happy Birthday! x

  4. Happy birthday to her, gorgeous pressies!

  5. Beautiful quilt Judith! Happy birthday to your lovely daughter x

  6. Amazing quilt and fantastic sheet for pjs. Happy birthday S

  7. What a beautiful quilt. Happy birthday to your daughhter

  8. Congratulations to S - 18 is so exciting. It's lovely to see she has such an appreciation of your work asking for pj's. The quilt is gorgeous.

  9. awww happy birthday shannon!

  10. Great pressies. Those PJ bottoms are fab. Happy birthday!

  11. Happy Birthday to your daughter, Judith! Wonderful presents and you have made amazing quilt! Have a lovely week! x Teje

  12. wow 18..... worthy and wonderful gifts for such a special age x

  13. Happy18! What a gorgeous quilt you made for her. This will be "a big hug from Mom" at the Uni.

  14. Congrats to the 18th birthday girl. What an amazing quilt and lovely PJs gorgeous. Lovely to be wrapped up in love!!

  15. Don't believe it - she may be a young woman but ALWAYS your baby! Lovely quilt and sure to make her feel more at home!

  16. Love the quilt and the PJ's. They grow so quickly don't they. I thought I would be devastated when Kurt went to uni in September but anticipating it was worse than the actuality and thank god for Skype!! Wishing her a great day :)

  17. Oh Judith, That is utterly stunning! That'll be handed to your grandchildren and great grandchildren. As for the PJ's they're lovely too.....I've discovered over the years that I can only make flat things, so they'd be beyond my skills! xx

  18. lucky Shannon, happy birthday to her. That's the nice things about a daughter, they like things mum made, and her quilt and pjs are gorgeous. (I ended making a uni quilt as well for Hazel and her schoolfriend and then ultimately for her flat mates after 3 years of asking)

  19. I am so in love with this quilt! Happy birthday, Shannon. I hope you find lots of warm hugs from your mama in this gorgeous quilt. Beautiful job, J. xx

  20. Beautiful in every way. HB Shannon.

  21. What a beautiful post, big birthday wishes to Shannon and well done on being able to make her the perfect gift. What a wonderful Mum x

  22. That is a fantastic quilt to take off to Uni with her. Imagine, 18 years old, where does it all go?

  23. Happy birthday to your daughter!!!! wow, 18!!! The presents you made her are amazing!

  24. They do grow so fast, she is beautiful and so is her quilt and pjs. Happy Birthday to Shannon.

  25. WOW 18, my turned 12 and I think she is already so much grown. Gorgeous quilt!!!

  26. Eeeek! She's eighteen, and so beautiful. You must be the proudest mum going. A very belated happy birthday and what wonderful presents.

  27. Awww, fantastic presents! Belated happy birthday to Shannon!


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