
Wednesday 23 October 2013

I Read a Book!

I'm chuffed to bits to declare that I have actually read a book, in less than 2 weeks!

Mini Quilt & book from Teje

I don't get much time to read these days!  But Teje very kindly sent me this book as part of a type of blog hop (read the back story here) and I'm so glad she did.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, which explains why I read it quickly (for me that is!). My favourite genre are books with an historical element, and this story fulfilled that remit perfectly!  And I can now more fully appreciate the symbolism of the mini quilt she sent me, which relates to the story.

Mini Quilt & book from Teje

I now need to get my thinking cap on, not only in deciding who to pass the book onto, but what 'story inspired' project to make for them. 

Geese may be involved - just saying!

Do you like to read 'quilty' books?


P.s. For all you UK fabric addicts out there, check out this great offer from Lisnaweary Quilts - free P&P until 28/10!


  1. quilty books are great fun, another great quilty author is Lizbie Brown, about an american who owns a quilt shop next door to a detective agency, great fun though written in the 1990s. Another favourite is Sandra Brown, some of hers have a civil war or 1930s theme.

  2. Ah that looks like a lovely book! Might have to download it onto my kindle!

  3. Yep, quilty books all the way! Am behind on the elm Creek front, so need to do a bit of catching up! Speaking of books, another on its way to you, watch out for the post! X

  4. You did it! Great. Oh what will you be making?

  5. oh that sounds like a fab book!! x

  6. Hi Judith! I'm happy you liked this book! It will be fun to see how it inspires you! x Teje

  7. So what you're saying is that this book is for the birds then... ;o)

  8. I haven't really come across quilty books before... Several knitting books, though, which I really enjoyed. Going to have to look up the authors Helenjean mentioned!

  9. I've always got a book on the go. I would be lost without them.

  10. I love books! Can simply whizz through them if time is on my side, but haven't yet read a quilty one...think I'll have to put it on my Christmas wish list! Can't wait to see what you come up with-I've got a bit of a thing for geese (of the feathered variety). And cows. And sheep. And hens. I was probably a farmer in a previous life!!! xx

  11. That looks like a good one to download to my kindle. I am always reading definitely where most of my education has come from!


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