
Wednesday 15 May 2013

A Football Dumper!

No.2 daughter has been mad keen on football since she was 5 (she's now 14!). 

She's pretty good too (I know I'm biased!) and plays for this league winning team (Senior reserves), as well as County Antrim.

This means she has lots of footie gear kicking (sorry!) about her bedroom.  And with the absence of a wardrobe (taken out to make room for the drum kit - don't ask!) she badly needed some storage for footie kits, socks, shin pads etc.

Footie Kit Dumper
24" tall!
This is a Footie Dumper - a dumper being a large container you just dump stuff in (very technical term!). 

Lucy chose the fabrics, the camo bits being recycled trousers and shorts!  Can you guess she's a tom-boy!!

I made 2 pockets on the inside for shin pads and goalie gloves. 

Footie Kit Dumper

The original intention was for this to be hooked onto the back of her door, but it is just way too heavy with all her stuff in it.  So it will sit on the floor.

She also wanted something to put her kit socks in, so I rustled up a drawstring bag...

Footie bag 001

...which can hook onto the back of her door by way of this tab recycled from one of the camo trousers.

Footie bag 003
Lined with more camo!
So that's another storage problem sorted!

I hope this cheers her up because she's had an injured thumb this past week (impromptu visit to A&E last week!), which means no sport for a bit, and she's also revising for exams, which means grumpy heads all round!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Much cooler than the kit dumper in use in our house. Technically, you and I would call it "the bedroom floor".

    Hope Lucy's thumbs and exams get better very soon!

  2. Clever, and much tidier than my hubby's football/rugby gear storage system!

  3. Oh you are such a good mum! I hope the thumb heals quickly and she is back out getting all muddy and happy as soon as possible.

  4. see... mums (and grandmas ) can do anything... solve any problem... AND work out how to find the carpet!! well done x

  5. Great makes I'm sure they went down a storm. If Chief was still refing he'd probably want a set just like that too!

  6. Great dumper! I could do with several million of those around the house - my children are both very accomplished dumpers of their possessions ;0)
    Hope the thumb and the revision head heal up asap. I have revision head too - my exam is Monday! arghhhhh

  7. Hope that cured the grumps, it's handy having a handy mum!

  8. You are the best mum - I love the dumper, and really hope your daughter is feeling better soon.

  9. Wow, that's fantastic! Absolutely practical and beautiful - could be used also by non sports fans! x Teje

  10. Brilliant! I have tomboy here too and I have the feeling the washing never is finished! Maybe she needs also such a lovely storage bag! It looks great. Hope she gets well soon to go on playing

  11. Oh you are way better in the mum department than me! Grumpy exam heads here too :(. I've taken to the bottom of the garden for some solace :)

  12. That is fantastic, I need one of those to dump my scraps in before I get around to sorting them into bins every now and again.

  13. how really fun and creative usefulness all in 1. nice fabric working too.

    Karin from

  14. This huge dumper is a wonderful idea!

  15. What a great idea! I hope it distracted you all from the poorly thumb and revision timetables!

  16. I'm sure they're a hit! Great makes...and so perfectly personal.


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