
Tuesday 14 May 2013

Summer Sorted!

The new In Stitches Summer Programme of Classes is out now!

If you fancy a summer of sewing, dressmaking, or simply getting those WIPs and UFOs finished, then have a look here at the selection of classes to choose from.

Just drop me an email if you'd like to get registered.

And something else you could do this summer, is make a few Churn Dash Blocks for Siblings together 2014!

Sarah has come up with an inspired solution for those of you who are too busy to commit to a 12 month bee, but would still like to make a contribution to the 2014 drive for ST quilts.

You can get all the details here, and you have loads of time to get them made!  Sarah has also posted a tutorial for the Churn Dash block here.

And following on from Saturday's successful Apron workshop, I have listed the pattern in my Etsy shop  so that you don't have to miss out on the fun either!

Apron in a jar Class Sample Feb13

Given the lack of sunshine so far, I think a summer of sewing may be on the cards!


  1. Hope you do get some sun this summer! x

  2. It looks like a great programme - have fun!

  3. Now J if I made a fancy apron would I like cooking more than I do now or should I just stick to sewing quilts and bags?

  4. Hope you get some sunshine soon!!

  5. Tell me about it, sleet for the last 2 mornings FFS!

  6. Going to be -1 degrees here tomorrow morning - son has his first school swimming outside bet even he'd rather be sewing!

  7. Summer? Feels like autumn out there right now. Hope the sun comes out next weekend! And hope all your classes fill up in record time.

  8. you are super organised and wish I lived close enough to go to your fab classes! love the apron so much and tempted to make one when I lose my flabbiness !

  9. Fantastic! Am in negotiations for time off! ;)


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