
Thursday 16 May 2013

And the prize for the silliest face goes to .....

.....  my latest group of Beginners!

Machine Sewing for Beginners Class May13

This lovely bunch of ladies + 1 gent were a joy to teach, eager to learn, and produced wonderful zippered cushions (not all shown).

Well done everyone!  "Keeeeeeeeeeeeep Sewing!"

(The next 'Machine Sewing for Beginners' course starts on 4th September '13)

And here are a few more class finishes from last week.

Foundation Piecing Cushion class May13
Foundation Piecing Techniques - cushions made using this template.

Applique Class May13
Applique Techniques & Cushion course.  Pattern available here.

A huge well done to everyone, for stepping out of your comfort zone and trying some new techniques!  You have done brilliantly and produced beautiful cushions!

And as for me, I managed little bit of sewing today, but don't get your hopes up!

FQR13 name badge swap

This is the name badge for my secret swap partner in the Fat Quarterly Retreat Name Badge Swap!  Because this person reads my blog (hint hint!) if I showed you even a teeny bit of the front, she would know who it is for!

Sorry, I'll have to keep you in suspense on this one til the end of June when I post it off!

Thank you for all your kind thoughts for my daughter.  Sadly she has been fitted with a new moulded thumb splint (she is now giving a permanent 'thumbs up'!) which she must wear for a further 2 weeks.  This means the school are allowing her to sit her exams at home when the splint is off (yey!) and she can have a week off school while all her classmates sit their exams (yey!).  But it also means no sport for another 2 weeks (boo!).


  1. what a fun picture ... and wonderful cushions ... daughter got no excuse for not studying now xx

  2. Good news about your daughter - great photos of your group and hey that badge could be for me?!

  3. Your students make the most wonderful things! Hope the thumb gets better soon and she doesn't miss her friends too much - is she allowed any contact with them during the exam period?

  4. Poor L. Hope she doesn't mind the extra wait for her exams to be over. Fab makes by your recent classes!

  5. I want to make pillows, lots of fun pillows, pillows with letter! Wish I could join your group! x Teje

  6. Your students are so talented! What great stitching skills they have!

  7. What a naughty class! Fab makes though. Poor L and her thumb, that must be so painful. Would that badge be mine???? Di x

  8. Ooh, you managed to drag a man in there, well done!

    As for the thumb, as someone that's spent over 6 years of her life in various splints/plasters/crutches I totally sympathise, although I had to do my exams orally - boooo

  9. what fabulous makes!! Sorry to hear about your daughters thumb, exams are stressful enough without all of that too

  10. Oh another one quick off the mark with the name badge! I am still thinking about it!

    Now what did you say to get all those silly faces? Must have been something! Did they think extra housepoints for girning?

  11. I love that first photo!! What a clever bunch of students or perhaps they have the best teacher going??

  12. Eeeeek! That could be my name tag and therefore I know it would be perfect for me. You can bring it with you next weekend. I won't tell.


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