
Tuesday 15 January 2013


I got the foundation piecing finished I was working on yesterday:

Foundation piecing sample

The quarter block is by Carol Doak from her book Easy Machine Paper Piecing.  I've put 4 of the blocks together and am calling it Spring Bloom!

This will eventually be turned into one of the samples for a Foundation Piecing class I'm teaching next term.

This week, as part of my 'Design Your Own Quilt' course we'll be making this block:

Celtic Twist 027

This block is called 'Celtic Twist' and is one of my favs.  I love the way the rings all interlock when lots of blocks are sewn together:

Celtic Twist (2 colours)
A Pic Monkey mock-up!

But it looks even more fun done in multi-colours!  I'm thinking of doing this one as a quilt for a family member. If I'm brave enough I might even do each ring a different colour!

Multi Celtic Twist

I hope you are 'enjoying' the snow.  None here yet, but it is forecast for the weekend! Oh joy!


  1. That spring bloom is amazing! You are going to scare the pants off your class if they think that is what is expected of them. And loving the celtic twist too, like you I immediately started thinking all different coloured rings. Why go the easy route when we can make it more difficult after all.

  2. Both look great. I am totally with you! This will be a stunning quilt if you use different colors.

  3. love the way the blocks are coming together xx NO snow here yet xx I HATE the stuff ! EAST of Manchester have had it so far... and can keep it xx lol x

  4. Fabulous Spring Bloom! Love the celtic twist too, a whole quilt would be stunning. We've had a bit of snow in Manchester but the sunshine has meant it's not sticked! (snow and sun in Manchester, who'd have thought?!!)

  5. that celtic twist is fabulous --- would love to give it a try if you need some help testing :)

  6. oh that celtic twist is gorgeous, I've been looking for an appropriate celtic pattern for my DH's black/white man quilt, that would be perfect

  7. Hi Judith! Your paper pieced blocks are amazing! I haven't made any yet and just yesterday printed some and perhaps I shall give a try.
    That celtic twist is wonderful! Because I just opened a rainbow bundle, you really could make every ring with different colour! x Teje

  8. I love 'Spring Bloom'!!! And the ring quilt is going to be stunning!!

  9. No snow here, just a light dusting! Tis proper cold though.
    Lovely blocks missus x

  10. Both look brilliant! Bit colder here today but no more snow so far!

  11. Yes we are enjoying the snow we have had two days of it now. My hubby says it it freezing hard outside now. Ughhhhh. I am driving in it tomorrow, that's not going to be fun. Your block is lovely as I knew it would be. Give yourself a pat on the back from me. Celtic twist is a good pattern aswell.

  12. No white stuff in Dunmurry.!!!!
    Great to see the celtic block made up into a quilt. Now I can visualise it better.
    See you Thursday.:)

  13. Gotta love Carol Doak. Also loving that Celtic chain, different colours might be quite a challenge indeed.
    No snow here but if you are getting it at weekend there is a fair chance it'll blow our way.
    Glad you are safe, been wondering too.

  14. They both look great! Looking forward to seeing the end results from the class!

    It's freezing here, and if it hits Sheila, we'll get it about half an hour later ;o)

  15. Both blocks make a real statement! I love the way the celtic twist repeats - your idea for a whole quilt in different circles would be amazing.

  16. ooooo that spring blook is just amazing - now, when is it my month to be queen bee in hipbees??? !!! :)

  17. Wow you have been busy! Both are stunning, look forward to seeing your class results :)

  18. Wow - go you and all the complicated stuff!!! Brilliant xxx

  19. Wow! Both blocks are pretty amazing. The Celtic rings look really attractive in different colours. I hope that your class keep up with you! Di x

  20. Lovely blocks, I like the chains in different colours! We have had a warm spell blow in and our snow is all melting.

  21. Oh wow what a stunning pp block. You must be so pleased! Your chains are going to be super too - lots of fun playing with different color combos there :)

  22. Lots of frost on the ground and my car! So it looks white but in't the fluffy kind!

    Your foundation piecing is making me hope that spring is coming - thanks! And the celtic twist is amazing - would do my head in trying to do each one a different colour!

  23. Oh wowzers, you're clever and yes, your class are going to be quivering jellies but with a teacher like you, they'll be fine!


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