
Monday 14 January 2013


Thank you friends for your emails and thoughts of concern for me!

Belfast is an amazing and thriving city, but sadly a small group of people are making it an unpleasant place to live at the moment.

I live about 1 mile from where the trouble has been happening, but thankfully we haven't been directly affected by it, more inconvenienced by the road blocks and traffic delays.  What you are seeing on the news is not widespread nor representative of a predominately peaceful country.

It makes me sad that my local community is at war again!  I have lived through worse, but I was hoping my kids would experience a different reality here in Northern Ireland. I live in hope that one day this divided yet beautiful land will know deep and long lasting peace.

I did manage some sewing and cutting over the weekend, but not much to show for it just yet!

Here's a wee pic of some foundation piecing I'm working on, just so this isn't a photo free post!

Foundation piecing

And for those of you surrounded by the white stuff, be safe!


  1. Sorry to hear things are not good politically over there Judith. Make sure you stay safe & I hope this passes quickly.
    Much love Kat

  2. I'm glad you're out of the way of it. That block looks amazing! What are you up to?

  3. It he block is gorgeous! And the white stuff, well it's still coming down thick and hard, only 2 - 3" so far :(. Could do without it! Tolerance is a good word! :)

  4. I hope you are yours keep safe - if only everyone would do something creative instead of destructive then the world would certainly be a better place! Not much white stuff here. Great block in the making

  5. Wow that block is gorgeous. Love the colours and pattern and the piecing is great.

    I hope you and your family continue to stay safe. So sad. We had some white stuff this am which has mostly gone. However, it's now very wet everywhere and harsh frost forecast so tomorrow the roads and pavements will be lethal. Roll on summer!

  6. Fab block! What is it? Ny (NI-born) husband was over in Belfast recently visiting relatives and was commenting what a shame it is that although it is a very long way from where it was, that it is such a shame that Northern Ireland isn't known for its beauty and charm as much as its political tensions. Maybe one day...

  7. OH WOW! This is going to be amazing!

  8. Oh wow, I love that block,it is stunning
    Its so sad that people seem hell bent on sending everything back to how it was-lets hope they don't succeed!

  9. I love that block! I hope things settle down soon xx

  10. love the block Judith, can't wait to see what it turns into

  11. I hope that people start to see sense as there really is no need for all this hatred and strife. As most people would prefer not to have it happen it is a shame that the minority can cause such trouble. Loving the block that you are working on though!

  12. Stay safe Jude. Like the look of that block. Just wondering what your up to with it.

  13. Another suggestion for a class- foundation piecing.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Thank you for this post Judith - my son is in Belfast at the moment, in his first year at Queen's and he assures me he's not affected and hasn't seen anything! too busy studying I expect!!!!!!

  15. It is so sad what happens. I can hear it on the news and I hope it is over soon! Take care.

  16. Thanks for reassuring us Jude - it is so sad that the troubles have returned. I love your pp block - it is going to be a beauty!

  17. Ah yes, that minority was what caused my dad to move us all away years ago, hope they can cease and desist again soon! Loving the look of the block though :o)

  18. Isn't it sad that a few toe-rags can threaten the peace for the rest. NI is beautiful, especially if it stops raining and the beaches are wonderful. Di x

  19. I love your foundation piecing - great design and fab colours.
    I hope 'the troubles' don't escalate.

  20. We stopped putting up the flag due to health and safety - oh how we rolled our eyes! Wish everything was so simple xxx

  21. Take care of yourself, and love that beautiful block!

  22. Well said J! I am so frustrated that the world's perception is now being coloured again by bigots and those who need to learn the tolerance of which you speak.

    I adore that foundation piecing - it's going to be stunning!

  23. Glad you are safe, and the block is stunning!

  24. Well said Judith. Its just a very small minority focusing on to what divides us rather than brings us together x

  25. That FP block is looking amazing! Yes the media can't always be trusted in how it portrays a situation. I think the majority of citizens want peace but as usual the riotous minority have to ruin it!!

    I am sorry you are having to put up with this and the uncertainty it produces.
    Collette x

  26. Hugs... I'll keep you in my thoughts that things settle soon.

  27. Ah babe, very good post about a very difficult topic. Hugs x

  28. Sorry to hear there's been trouble. I didn't k ow before I read your post. In Australia we are experiencing the wrath of nature with heat waves and wild bushfires, so our news is consumed with that. I hope that things settle and your kids know the peace we have in a land like mine.


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