
Sunday 20 January 2013

Something out of Nothing!

Anyone who knows me knows I love using scraps and keep even the smallest pieces!

I've even influenced some of my students in this vein, some of whom are now known as the class 'bin-hoakers!' (they take the fabric scraps out of the bin at the end of class!).

My friend's 'pink-loving' daughter has a birthday next week, so I made her journal cover out of lots of pink scraps!

Journal Cover Jan13

If you haven't tried improv piecing, give it a whirl!  It's quick, easy and so satisfying as you see random scraps of fabric morph into a cohesive piece of quilting.

Journal Cover Jan13

The lovely thing about using scraps is they bring back memories from past projects, or remind me of someone who donated their unwanted scraps to me.

So there we have it - something out of nothing!

I hope you've had a productive weekend! 


  1. Love the journal cover, but still laughing about the bin-hoakers!

  2. this is so gorgeous! I love notebook covers and I love the scraps. there must be lots of fun in your classes till the last minute :D

  3. Love it Judith, may try one or two with hearts on for valentines day.
    Karen x

  4. Lovely - great minds think alike!

  5. It looks fab, totally love this kind of improv :o)

  6. That is lovely, I love all your scraps.

  7. This is the loveliest journal cover that I've seen in ages! What a great idea - thank for sharing.

  8. Brilliant - I think I would be a bin-hoaker!! x

  9. Lovely cover, love those colours

  10. Beautiful! Love the bin hoakers! Lol

  11. Truely beautiful Judith. You have inspired me to hoak my bins!

  12. Beautiful nothing! Great scraps too!

  13. Beautiful journal cover. I like the scrappy look and one sewist rubbish is another's treasure! Di x

  14. Judith, I love the journal cover you have made! Most beautiful and so sweet colours! Sometimes I'm a bin-hoaker at home (don't go anywhere else to sew). I save all the scraps, even the smallest smallest. I wish I had more time to create with them! x Teje

  15. ... any chanca I could be 'reply' by leaving my comment as wordpress blog and not G+? At least this leads to my blog. Hugs! x Teje

  16. that cover is stunning and I love keeping scraps. I keep the tinest too as it is amazing what you can conjure up! In Scotland we can bin hoakers 'MIDGIE RAKERS'!!

  17. Love love that cover, it's so vibrant, colour and pretty. I agree I think scraps are great they hold memories of something that you have done for someone special. Fi

  18. I always think of you when I'm deciding whether to keep my scraps or whether they are too small. The journal cover is lovely!

  19. I have some lovely pink scraps that I used to make my daughter her big bed quilt when she moved into a bed aged 2 and a half. She's now 9 but we both still love her quilt and the scraps.

  20. Lovely! She's going to think it's amazing and I'm sure it was perfectly satisfying for you stitching away. Perfect combo.


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