
Wednesday 12 December 2012

Party Clutch!

Yesterday I told you about a little one's first birthday in December, and the hexie tote bag I made for her.

Well her big sister also has her birthday in December!  She will be 17!

So into the birthday parcel went a Party Pouch, which may come in useful for lots of Christmas parties!

Hannah's Party Clutch Dec12

Now this particular young lady really likes black and dark colours, but I have virtually no black fabrics in my stash. 

But I found this black remnant from something or other, which has a lovely embossed pattern on it, and I'm really hoping she doesn't mind that shot of hot pink I couldn't resist putting in (Oakshott silk). 

I finished it off with a vintage brooch, which she can easily detach if it's just too much bling!

Phew!  Another December birthday ticked off the list!  I have had quite a few!


  1. very sophisticated, I really love the shape of the clutch and that brooch is stunning!

  2. Gorgeous!! I would love that clutch but have no where to go to use it!

  3. Beautiful. I guessed who it was for. Am sure she will love it.

  4. I love this! I'm not a pink girl but that lining is to die for and perfect!! She will love it.

  5. What's not to like? It is perfect. Di x

  6. Gorgeous! She'll love it I'm sure!

  7. That is so pretty! I love the bling but it's a nice touch that it's removable so the clutch can be customised for various events.

  8. Oooh, pretty, and like the hot pink lining!

  9. Great idea and it looks fabulous

  10. So beautiful - she is sure love it.x

  11. I think the shot of pink is what makes it absolutely perfect. She should love it.

  12. that is beautiful she will love it!!!

  13. Hi there, some time ago you used letters to ink a lable for a quilt. Can you tell me where you got the letters and what ink you used. I would like to try this.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. What a beautiful clutch. The decorating button on it is really nice and i like it very much.
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