
Friday 14 December 2012

Last Class of 2012

Today saw the end of my classes for 2012!

It has been an amazing year of teaching and pattern writing for me, working through the summer, progressing to 4 weekly classes, and getting a wee Etsy Pattern shop up and running.

I still feel so privileged and touched that folks want to come to my classes and learn from me! I still have much to learn, but I love what I do!

Here are a few mosaics to round up the last few weeks of classes.  What an amazing bunch!

Brooches Classes Dec12
The brooches made by my 2 Brooches Classes

Kids Stocking Workshop Dec12
Kids Christmas Stocking Workshop
Christmas class Dec12
Adults Christmas class
And our final Bee Blessed of 2012 meets tomorrow. 
Just one more week of work and I'll be switching off the old grey matter for a few weeks! 
Now I can turn my attention to the small matter of Christmas shopping (groan!).


  1. Fantastic mosaic! What a year!

  2. Well done to all! (you included!)

  3. Well done on your classes, they all look amazing

  4. I love how Lucy (I hope I got the right name and not sure why I always mix her and Bethany up) is in every class she can get into!

  5. Well done. The kids stockings look great as do all those lovely brooches.

  6. Glad your classes have gone so well! Lovely to see your lass taking part too :-)

  7. Yep! The kids did the large stockings! Lucky parents who have to fill them up (or Santa)! I love those brooches and your class made some wonderful ones. Di x

  8. What a feast for the eyes! Such cute little brooches and gorgeous giant stockings - clever kids! Hope you really enjoy your break and have some fun and rest.

  9. Your classes look so fun and look at what beautiful projects your students make. You should be proud of them and of you too.


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