
Tuesday 11 December 2012

Tote for a Tot!

My friend gave birth to a gorgeous girl last December, and to help little one celebrate her special 1st birthday, I've made her a tote bag to carry dolly around in! 

A girl can never have too many bags, and it's never too young to start, right?

Natasha's 1st Birthday Tote bag

I acquired a Sizzix Big Shot a few months back, and decided that hubby really wanted to buy me a few more dies for it for Christmas!! One being the 1" Hexie die.  (Yes I opened my Christmas present the moment it arrived! Naughty!)

I ironed bondaweb onto the back of some pink and blue fabric scraps before whizzing them through the Big Shot like a magic whizzy thing!

I then ironed the hexies onto some linen and satin stitched them securely, so no amount of dragging around the floor will unhinge them! 

I went for a practical denim bottom too on this tote, and as the family have recently got a puppy, I thought Aneela's playful pups for the lining was perfect.

And at the last minute, I discovered that cute wee teddy in my ribbons box.  Perfect!

So dolly is now snug and secure, at least until some tiny hands starting flinging her around! I hope teddy's head doesn't get chewed off (by baby or the puppy!).


  1. So beautiful. I am sure mummy will love it just as much if not more than her 1 year old.

  2. Gorgeous wee bag! I may be just a little green about the BS though, do I really need one?

  3. What an adorable gift for a little one! You are just too good at this pressie melarky!

  4. Aw, you make the nicest gifts! Almost makes me want another baby girl just so you can make things for it. I said ALMOST! ;-)

  5. Now that's where my mother went wrong, never had handbags as a kid, and I still don't lol Very cute though!

  6. What a sweet wee tote! And yay for hubby getting you good pressies!

  7. Cute cute cute..... this will be loved and well played with, I am sure x

  8. What a good present for a little one. You are giving her a head start in bags! Now Mrs. it is very bad form in opening your Christmas present before the day. What do your girls say?!!!!!! Di x

  9. A cutie for a cutie! I love the wee hexie tote - it is sure to be loved for many years to come!

  10. Truly lovely!! But what I'm really excited about, is that you've just got a Sissix Big Shot! I've been humming and haa-ing about getting one, and would LOVE to know what you thought about it. I can be reached at kirstie cantegreil at g mail dot com, if I'm a "no-reply blogger"....I have no idea!!! Many thanks and Merry Christmas!

  11. Very cute - and hurray for the Sizzix hexies!

  12. oh i love that! she will love it too and yes the sissix will it replace rotary cutting or is it not as fabric efficient?


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