
Monday 17 December 2012

Bee Blessed Quilt Finishes

On Saturday we had our last BB gathering of 2012.

Our 12 strong turnout meant we had a really productive afternoon, and we enjoyed some festive treats at tea break (or should I say 'mulled wine break') too!

Here are some finishes and progress shots!  You might be able to find one or two of your blocks!

Converging Corners Bee Blessed Quilt Dec12
Converging Corners Quilt

Bee Blessed Antique Tile Quilt 1 Dec12
One of two Antique Tile Quilts.

Bee Blessed Quilt Dec12
Wonky Crosses Baby Quilt
Bee Blessed Baby Quilts Dec12
2 Pram Blankets
Bee Blessed Rail Fence Quilt Dec12
Traditional Rail Fence Quilt
Bee Blessed Quilt (Crazy Squares 1) Dec12
One of two Crazy Squares Quilts
Thank you once again to everyone for your continued support and contributions to these quilts. 

We are looking forward to another year of making 'international' quilts and passing on their blessing and comfort to those in need.


  1. All looking lovely! Converging corners particularly so...

  2. Gosh! The mulled wine must have helped the productivity as there are a lot of beautiful finished quilts there. Do you think alcohol might increase my productivity? Lol. Di x

  3. I didn't really get the appeal of converging corner blocks - until I see that quilt finished. It is gorgeous!! As are the others, but converging is my favourite.

  4. Gosh the mulled punch really fuelled you guys up after I left! These look smashing. Good to bring them to a finish and ready for passing on!

  5. Great job all round, now how much of the wonk was introduced after the mulled wine? ;o)

  6. Great looking quilts...I think the last one is my favourite :o)

  7. You have all done such amazing work this year! The converging corners looks fabulous

  8. This bee has turned into such a success, you must be so proud of it all. So many beautiful quilts, I especially love the converging corners one.

  9. Awesome patterns and great designs.

    Kids Games

  10. Wow, so impressive to see them all together!! Looking forward to our meetings in the new year!

  11. This is fab - it is just so thrilling to see some of my blocks there, made into such stunning quilts ready to go off to new homes xxx

  12. Hi Judith! Your quilts are so beautiful and I'm happy to see your lovely colours! Even I use so much colours, I say always that my favourite colour is blue and I really love your blue quilt! x Teje

  13. Oh be so proud of those - they all look amazing x


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