
Wednesday 18 April 2012

Up Periscope!

I'm just grabbing 5 minutes to pop my head up to say 'hi' and that I'm still alive!

Everything is good, I've just been really busy with work & life, and haven't had time to blog.  I've been trying to keep up with reading other blogs, though I may not always have time to comment - apologies!

My main task this week has been pattern writing for classes starting back this week.  It's not my favourite part of what I do, but a very important part nonetheless.

I'm pleased to report that my new Machine Sewing for Beginners Class got off to a great start on Monday evening.  I have a lovely bunch of 'eager beavers' who have embraced their fear of the machine, and are now well on their way to becoming addicts like the rest of us!  Next week - THE ROTARY CUTTER! (plasters at the ready!).

My Thursday class will be starting on the Placemats and Coasters project that I taught with another class last term.

And my Friday class will be getting zippy with Pretty Little Pouches.  I'm writing an 8-in-1 pattern for them, which I will also put in my Etsy shop (if I ever get to the end of it!).

I've also been trying to develop a simple but stylish bag for a Kids' workshop I'm running in July.  Not as easy as you might think!

So throw in 3 kids (feeding, disciplining, nagging - you get the idea!), a husband (feeding, disciplining, nagging - you get the idea!), a tour of Titantic Belfast with the rellies, and keeping a house from disappearing under 3 feet of dust, that's pretty much been me this past week.

So time to get back to it!

Down Periscope!


  1. Hello there, glad you are keeping busy, and off the streets!

  2. I feel your pain - I am close to demented here.

  3. Delighted that you 'Up Periscoped'. Looks as if you are super busy but it is good that your classes are off to a flying start. Di xo

  4. Looks like fun, but I suggest you leave the kids and husband to feed/nag/discipline each other so you get a break ;o)

  5. Hello! I know what you mean about being too busy. So glad to hear the classes are going so well. It is fantastic what you are doing! Keep plodding on!

  6. Glad you are there, albeit quiet. That's fine, we can live with that as long as all is well. Your classes will be great and so lucky for all those students to have you.

  7. Hope you get a chance to resurface soon my sweet friend! Well done for passing on the addiction to a whole new crew!

  8. Thanks for the quick check in! Glad to hear you are ok, I think Katy makes a great point about Husbands, kids etc :) See you again soon I hope :) x

  9. Oooo yes, I have the scars from my rotary cutter - I definately need that class! x

  10. I agree with Katy, cant you set husbeast and kids on each other for a break?! Glad you checked in with us anyway, take care sweetie x

  11. Lovely to hear from you - don't forget to get some time for yourself amongst all the busy-ness. Good luck with the 8 in 1 pattern - you know where I am if you need a proof reader!


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