
Friday 20 April 2012

Strike The Pose!

I've been working on a handbag for my 'Kids Workshop' in July.

This is when kids (from the age of 10 upwards) can come along with an adult, and spend the day sewing and creating something for themselves.

In many ways, children are easier to teach than adults, because they don't come with the same fear of the machine (or rotary cutters for that matter - eeek!), or the creative inhibitions and perfectionisms that adults often seem to acquire as they grow up!

The challenge I have with all 1 day workshops is designing something that can be made in 1 day!  The additional challenge for this particular workshop, is to design something that young 'hip 'n happenin' kids will want to make!

My Slouch bag is one of the easiest & most versatile bag patterns to make.  I've made lots of adult versions of these and regularly use one myself as my 'everyday bag'. 

They are roomy and comfortable to 'wear'. So I thought I'd try this one out on the kids in July!

Let me introduce you to the Ab Fab Hollies Agency Models!

The options are:

1. Keep it plain and simple (suitable for a beginner)

2. Add outer pockets (intermediate)

3. Patchwork your bag with favourite scraps (advanced)

With Boxed Corners

Without Boxed Corners
4. The mini version:

So what do you think?  Would your 'young person' be interested in making one of these for themselves for the summer?


  1. If you advertise it with those pictures you are bound to get sign-ups...they look like they had fun posing!

  2. Absolutely! What a great project for a 10+ year old. Reasonable to do, great to inspire sewing AND super cute for the summer. Checking all the boxes, Judith!

  3. Great bags, I'm sure you'll get loads of bookings!!

  4. These look fab. My niece is 12 and would love to make one. Only she's inherited clumsiness from her Mum so she'd not be safe let loose on rotary cutters, sharp scissor and possibly not a sewing machine lol

  5. Looks perfect! Like Cindy says, ticks all the boxes! Love your models too, looks like they've been enjoying the limelight :-)

  6. Looks great, I'm sure they'll be grown-ups wanting a go too! My eldest 'young person' is 7yr and interested in sewing but not sure she's got the attention span for a project like this yet! Look forward to hearing how it goes.

  7. Your bags are almost as gorgeous as your girls!

  8. Wonderful models - I will send my 3 over over, they might be under 10, but you can send them back when they are old enough x

  9. Love this project - versatile and funky! Super pics with your home-grown models, should help sell the workshop for you!

  10. great pictures, looks like your budding models thoroughly enjoyed themselves! And fabulous bags, those kids will be spoilt for choice

  11. You have used a fantastic model agency. The models have demonstrated how versatile the bages can be. YES the youngsters will definitely sign up. Make sure that your models continue to use the bags for subliminal advertising! Di xo

  12. Heh, love the models, think these will go down well (especially if you offer another mad photo shoot option ;o) )

  13. I think the bag is perfect for a kids group. Your girls are great models too.

  14. Love the models and the bags!

  15. Great idea J, I would have loved the opportunity to make one of those!...the thing with creative kids is, they'll have their own ideas, so I reckon you'll end up with another 10 design options after you've run the first session :) x

  16. Fabulous! Can I make one? My teenager won't be seen anywhere close to the machine these days, but I bet she'd love me to make her one! Models did a fantastic job!


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