
Friday 13 April 2012

Pick a Pouch!

My new term of classes starts next week.

My Friday class will be making zippy pouches, over several weeks.

Here is a flavour of some of the different styles we'll be making.

Row 1: L-R: Project Pouch, Pencil Case 1, Pencil Case 2, Cosmetics Bag 1
Row 2: L-R: Cosmetics Bag 2, Coin Purse, Cosmetics Bag 3, Personalised Pouch

Small projects are always popular, and one of the main aims of this course is to learn, and grow more confident in, how to insert zips.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to making pouches.  Once you get the hang of putting zips in you can pretty much make up any style or shape that takes your fancy.

These cute wee pouches also make great gifts, as they can be multi-functional, and can be filled up with lots of suitable treats!

Some of the techniques we will be covering are inserting zips at the top, zips on the front and fail-safe covered zip ends. 

We only use plastic/nylon zips for these projects - you can sew over the ends of a plastic zip with your machine, so it's not so crucial to always have a zip the right length.  I always buy zips longer than what I need, and then cut them down to size if required.  10"-14" zips are a good average size for these pouches.

I'm sure we will have a lot of fun making these together!

Zippers at the ready!


  1. Have fun with those - don't fear the zipper folks x

  2. Brilliant small project to tackle. It opens up a world of possibilities. Di xo

  3. Great selection there, sure they'll have loads of fun

  4. Great variety - your students shall go forth and zip fearlessly!

  5. What a great idea for a class! If I was in your part of the world I'd be in like Flynn. Funny to read this today, last night I decided that I was going to tackle a zippy pouch and got all my fabric cut out and my zipper at the ready!

  6. Aw bless. Soon there will be another group of people who no longer fear the zipper. You have done another good deed!

  7. They will have so much fun with this! As I started to sew teaching myself from books before the internet came along, it didn't occur to me to be scared of zips. But I've since learned putting a zipper in seems to be scary for most people starting out. I'm sure with the 'carrot' of the chance to go home with a lovely pouch like any of these will help your class get over any fears!

  8. EEEee! How exciting :) It would be FAB learning how to make a zipper pouch in a class like this. Again, I wish I could jump in and learn from you...

  9. Looks like fun, wish I could come too.

  10. Gorgeous pouches, sounds like a great class
    Karen xx

  11. Great selection, wish I could join your class and brush up my zippers too!

  12. This is a super selection. You are spot on, small things are always so popular.

  13. What a great idea for a class...wish I lived closer so I could come along!

  14. Oooooooh decisions decisions. Great selection of pouches. Fab, fun and funky - a pouch for everything!

  15. Really cute little pouches.....I need more time! I want to make one.

  16. What a great idea for a class - have fun!! I love the pouches you've made and can't wait to see what your students make!

  17. can i sign up for a "fail-safe covered zip-end" class?!! x


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