
Saturday 21 April 2012

The Future's Orange!

A few friends and I went along to our annual Stitch & Craft show in Belfast today. 

By UK standards, this is a small event, but there are bargains to be had nevertheless!

Here are my humble purchases:

The top orange print was calling to my inner hippy!  And the vintage prints to my inner Granny!

Not a true reflection of the colours here, but there are some delicious teals, greens and oranges among them.
All these fqs were £2 or less.

Pairs of large buttons for £1 each!

I did buy one or two other treats, but they are destined for other hands!

(Sadly over here, we are sorely lacking in retailers selling fresh, modern fabrics.) 

And I'll finish this 'really late in the day' post with something that isn't orange!

This double-sided Pippi cushion is a gift from Bee Blessed to a special young lady. 

A friend and I worked on it together, and I can show you it now because the lovely lady in question has received it (& is delighted with it!).

The Pippi on the right is mine - unfortunately she seems to be having a wee water retention problem going by the strange thickness in her legs!!!

The cushion is bordered with some cute Riley Blake - sorry they aren't more obvious in these pics.

Well it's almost Sunday!  Must sign off now for some much needed beauty sleep.

I hope you've had a great Saturday!


  1. Oooo that orange fabric is faberoony! and I love your Pippi, flower power top, and stripey legs and all :) x

  2. Great goodies. Loving those buttons. And great Pippi cushion. Oppsy I'd forgotten all about Pippi!!!! :-(

  3. Glad you had fun! I've not been to the one at the SECC in years (I used to go for the papercrafts side) Guess I'll need to hold out til next March til the next one then!

  4. You have been busy with your purse and love the cushion - didn't know Pippi was such a square!

  5. Love those buttons.And Pippi - what can you say, she is fab, and nothing wrong with a thick leg (!!)

  6. Pippi looks great, I'm sure she'll get rid of the water retention soon ;)

  7. I am a bit confused at all the times people have left messages!
    Great cushion, elephantiasis an' all!

  8. You are too young to be a hippy granny even on the inside! Di xo

  9. Not humble purchases at all. Lovely, all of them.

  10. Fabulous cushion, water retention and all! lol

  11. That is a great pillow and I hope you had fun at the show!

  12. I love your purchases (particularly the ones that made their way over the water, and quite a lot of land, to my house - thank you!) and the Pippi cushion is fabulous!


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