
Wednesday 11 April 2012

Stained Blue!

Over the weekend I cracked on with my Stained QAL quilt, and managed to get the top completed.

One advantage of my eldest daughter now being taller than me is that she can hold up quilts!
The fabrics in this quilt are proving to be the hardest to photograph and give an accurate reflection of the colours.

I kept with the skinny sashing, but needed to make the quilt top bigger, so made the border with squares of leftovers and uncut fqs from the bundle ('It's a Boy Thing' by Michael Miller).

Despite spending ages on the maths for the border squares & skinny strips, I still got it wrong, and the corners on the first attempt didn't look so good.

So I re-worked the corners, a tweek here and a tweek there, and the corners don't look so bad now.

I'm probably going to have to make a pieced back with the leftovers (groan!) before deciding how to quilt it. 

Although this quilt isn't needed until September, I want to try and keep up with the others in the QAL group (some smarty pants' have already finished theirs!).


  1. It looks lovely! I know i've said it before but i really like the colour combo!

  2. It is a gorgeous quilt and I love the border as it donesnt take over the design, rather it enhanced it. The tweaking worked! Personally, I like a pieced back even though they are more work! Di xo

  3. I love it! I am going to have to work hard to catch up to you and miss smarty pants, but at least I have cut my fabrics now.

  4. gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous - i love these colors and this quilt!

  5. That looks so good Judith.

  6. It looks fabulous in all those blues. And the border is a great addition. I am just too lazy to add that to mine!

  7. Judith It looks fantastic. I'm loving all these Stained Quilts out there. I must get on to mine.

  8. Oh yes, I like the border squares!! Going to be a great finish xxx

  9. It looks wonderful!! I love the borders :)

  10. Looks wonderful! Love the squares round the outside :-)

  11. Heh, that title totally conjured up Bridget Jones soup in my mind there :oD

    It looks fab anyway!

  12. Utterly fab! DOn't know how you can be thinking of letting this one go. Maybe you could sneakily use it until the September deadline- kidding!

  13. Oh wow it's beautiful. What a great colorway you're using :)

  14. love how it has turned out and great idea with the border

  15. Definite hit there! Stained blue is great! How are you quilting it?

  16. really nice love the colours x

  17. It's absolutely beautiful!


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