
Thursday 2 February 2012

A Picture of Muggins!

Well the challenge for February has been well and truly set!

This is the sort of thing our lovely Miss February (Jennie) wants us to make for her month in the Brit Bee!
Self Portrait by Luke Haynes

To say she's had quite an impact in the group is an understatement!

Personally, I'm quite excited at the idea (once I got my head out of the brown paper bag!).

I'm going to work from my Blog Profile Picture (see right).  Unfortunately on my computer I don't have the means of applying a pop-art affect to it, so I'm just going to try it free hand.

But look what happened when I tried to print out the photo in black and white!

The ink in my printer is running out, but it gave this cool stripey effect, which has given me some ideas for how I might do my portrait (whether or not I stick to those ideas remains to be seen!).

Jennie very kindly sent us some prints and solids to work from, but as she wants these self portraits to be a true reflection of our personalities, she's asked us to use some of our own stash too.

Now I'm realising the advantage of the compulsory Art Module I had to do in my P&Q course!  

So there we have it!  A first for all of us!  Can't wait to see what we all make!


  1. Woah!!! That will be unbelievably cool!! Good luck, missus, it will be fabulous!

  2. Wow! That's a proper challenge! I'll look forward to seeing what you all come up with :-)

  3. I think you will ACE this challenge J. Me, well, I'm kinda shitting it...

  4. Rather you than me! Love your idea though.... Best of British....
    Di xo

  5. I am now following Jennie's blog so i don't miss a thing. i love this idea ! so much fun !

  6. It looks like you will all have fun with this challenge!

  7. The printer did you a great favour there, it's looking fab already on paper!

  8. Wow! What a challenge! Can't wait to see these blocks!

  9. Things I print always look like that!! It's such a great idea and will enjoy seeing your progress :)

  10. Wow, that's some challenge! I can't wait to see what you make!

  11. Hehehe looks like you're going to shine in this months challenge!!

  12. These sorts of images always look great but I'm glad I'm not having to do it for a bee block! Too scary x

  13. Glad to see somebody else has a head around it now too! :) Love your printer, given me some inspiration too!

  14. How scary - the challenge, not your pic! What an amazing idea, can't wait to see you all in stitch.

  15. Well you are well ahead of me then. Our bloody printer is fully loaded with black ink! Looks cool the way it printed though. I sit and watch here, waiting to learn!

  16. I love the stripey print out: how lucky was that. Good luck: i would freak out a doing something like that!

  17. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with! This is so far beyond my skills and imagination I look forward to learning from you all!

  18. Oooh this is great, I like the stripyness too. No one told me being Miss Month was going to be this much fun, I am loving the sneak peaks of everyone's process!


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