
Saturday 4 February 2012

A Little Retail Therapy!

No.1 daughter needed more acrylic paint for her GCSE Art project, so off we trundled to our local Craft Shop!

I purposely don't go there very often because with the wonderful choice of buttons, ribbons, threads, yarn, art supplies and sooooooooooo much more, I inevitably spend money!

Well today was no different!

Shannon got her much need paint and I got these:

Some items are much more needed than others!
I thought I'd have a crack at making eyelets in purses and bags, but I'm darned if I can get that wee hole puncher thingy to punch a hole in the fabric.  I mean, just hard do you need to hit it with the hammer?  Any advice from experienced eyelet punchers?

I have a particular project in mind for the crochet trim, and one or two other bits, but the rest was pure indulgence I'm afraid!  Believe me, this is a restrained purchase lot!  I could have kept going all morning!

Anyway, this afternoon I want to get Kat's Sew Bee Happy Block done, and I might get a bit more done on my Mouthy Stitches Swap Pouch (first one didn't go so well - more on that another day!).

It's so dark and wet here, but I'm glad we didn't get the snow!  I hope you guys over on the East coast of the UK are faring ok with all the white stuff!  

Take care!


  1. Ooooh I see my name up there. I can't wait to see :)
    Lovely purchases!!

  2. Yippee! Shopping. Has to be a good day! Just the smallest smattering of snow here but enough for Emily to be outside in hope.

  3. What fun! Adding to the stash is so much fun, isn't it :-)

  4. Ah non- essential shopping... Yummy.
    The snow has just started in my part of Lincolnshire,
    I am glad it has started later rather than sooner as my son went to York today and has just got home! Phew....

  5. Good haul. The wee hole maker tool is pretty rubbish, I have had hard times with it - try starting off a hole with an awl or something before using it.

  6. Still waiting for the snow to stop being just dust, I want the full monty!
    The eyelets should be OK with the black disc underneath and one hard hit of the nail thing on a hard floor - probably only one layer of fabric at a time though - good luck xxx

  7. Love that Home Sweet Home Ribbon. Glad to see you can be as impulsive as the rest of us.

  8. Oooh more bag supplies? Cant wait to see what you come up with with those... lol

  9. I LOVE your shopping spree!
    No snow for me yet :)

  10. Ooh Martha siblings? Those eyelet things need some welly and deteriorate after a few goes! What Hadley says! I made a Princess Xena costume for my niece ....using those!

  11. still waiting for our snowfall here. lovely stash of shopping you have there

  12. Woo hoo! What a glorious score! I love a bit of ric rac xx

  13. Loveliness! I refrained from the LQS today, (clearly not feeling myself!) The white stuff has arrived, and the door to the studio appears to be snowed up already! And the patio steps have disapeared :)

  14. Snow - yeah!! Love your goodies - have fun!

  15. Oooh, fab retail therapy! I've never had a great deals of luck with those big eyelets, but I'm determined to master them this year...


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