
Wednesday 1 February 2012

A Month Gone Aleady!

I can't quite believe February is here already!

But with some of these beauties on my window sill I'm sure looking forward to spring!

January is a busy month for me getting classes up and running again, and believe it or not, I'm even finalising next term's programme (April - July)!

There has been a lot of behind the scenes work going on, getting my Etsy Pattern shop up and running, filling in Self Assessment Tax Returns (eugghhh!) and preparing notes for classes.

But I did manage to whir up Mr Pfaff now and again!

My Brit Bee blocks are nearly all in, so I'll soon be able to show you the full set (they look fab!) and Miss February has already sent us her package - oh my!  What a good one it will be!  Can't wait to tell you more about that corker!

But that's all for today!

Have a lovely day!


  1. Lovely makes - my favourite are the sewing bits in number 4 - so cute

  2. Great start to your year Judith.

  3. All good in 2012 so far!!

    PS - DO NOT leave your SA returns until the last minute!!!

  4. excellent start to your year! lots of lovely work and plans I admire how you manage your time! xx

  5. Lovely things, really love that appliqued and embroidered pouch

  6. Great makes. What a productive start to the year! I only finished one thing in January and and as that's for the finish-a-long so I'll blog about that all by itself it's hardly worth my linking up to Sew Fresh Sewing Day! lol

  7. Great going! Beautiful sampler, I've just started one, so I'm beginning to notice them everywhere.

  8. It looks like you are having a great start to your year! Thanks for sharing the lovely flowers with us.

  9. Lovely work...keep it up!! Hugs

  10. Just a little bit of sewing in January then.... lol Looking good judy :-)

  11. Oh yes, just a teeny bit of sewing in there ;o) Gotta love those self-assessment forms (especially when you find your office screwed up your PAYE, so the money you thought you'd get back for the crashing loss in material spending turned into you paying them, albeit it was only £2)

  12. So pretty! The dafs are JUST blooming here - today's the first day I've notice. They make me so happy!

  13. Beautiful makes this month and daffs always make me smile!

  14. You have made so many wonderful things this month! And I love the flowers.

  15. Great makes and lovely daffs, what an inspiring post!

  16. A great month! And I notice you've had your card marked by Hadley ;o)


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