
Sunday 5 February 2012

A Day of Finishes!

Yesterday was a productive day!

Firstly I got Kat's block done for the Sew Bee Happy monthly bee group:

Kat is putting together a rainbow reverse star picnic quilt, and we all got to choose a colour to do our own block in.  I went with the pale aqua/duck egg blue category and pulled together all the scraps I could find.  

These blocks are 17.5" unfinished, but really quick and easy to make.  So this will be winging its way to Oz next week.

Secondly, I got my Mouthy Stitches Swap Pouch finished!

You may remember I started with this design:

which quickly turned into this heap of fail!

And the moral of the story is - don't try stepping out of your comfort zone late at night when you're tired!

So back to the drawing board.  I can't explain too much behind the whys and wherefores of this design because it would completely give the game away as to who this pouch is for.

My photography skills aren't improving any!!!

Daughter no.1 made the cute owl zipper pull, and the bright, floral print is some original 1960's vintage fabric.

I have one more wee surprise to make, to go along with the pouch, and that will be me finished and ready to post to *&%$£!+* (you didn't actually think I would tell did you?).

Hope you've have a productive weekend!


  1. Oh I love your pouch but am hoping that you will return to the other pouch pattern and make a tut for us all to looks great!

  2. Oh the block and pouch look lovely. I know *&%$£!+* will love it!

  3. love the pouch Judith, especially the owl zipper pull

  4. Lovely pouch! That fabric is so funky!!

  5. Your day of finishes looks pretty successful. I like the reverse star block in blue/aqua. The pouch is pretty awesome. I think the design is brilliant with your daughter's owl zipper pull being 'the icing on the cake'. Di xo

  6. wow, I love it, hope it lands on my doormat

  7. Love the block and the pouch - both are fabulous!

  8. Block and pouch look great!

  9. Great block and pouch. The owl is a lovely touch!

  10. Love both the block and the pouch!

  11. Not my kind of material (the brown aside) but love how it has all gone together - you will have one happy partner I think. Good choice in the aqua blocks. I have just tacked all the back of my pouch to the zip and the lining to the front. I have borrowed a friends decent sewing machine in the hope it will get through all the layers (mine is a £50 argos value, saving up for a Janome.......)!

  12. Ooooooooooh, lovely block, and equally beuatiful pouch! I better get a move on!

  13. Eeeek love love LOVE that block and can't believe it's coming to me. Woo hoo!

  14. Loving your mouthy stitches offering, that vintage fabric is delic! x

  15. Well done, Judith! What a fab day for you. Love the bee block and that wee owl is adorable!

  16. hey there love the pouch and your daughter's owl! I hope my Emma follows suit. Was thinking Jacob's ladder for first block? What you think? I will sort out rotary cutting details etc asap if you wish.
    Collette x

  17. Please tell daughter no. 1...from an owl junkie ....she did a fab job !!!

    and the pouch with the owl...beyond words !!!!

    i will be watching my PO box with big hopes.....

  18. That is a lovely block! And the pouch is wonderful and I love the flap.

  19. Your pouch is fabulous!! I love the 6os fabric and bright details. Your daughter did a great job with the owl zipper pull! You two are a good team!


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