
Wednesday 21 December 2011

I've Made it!

Firstly, thank you everyone for your lovely comments and congrats on my 1 year blogiversary post yesterday!  I've had so much fun reading through your comments & choices.  I completely forgot to say when I'd draw the winning number, so I'll wait until Thursday and do it then.  

Good luck everyone (you'll need it 'cos Hadley has entered and she wins everything!).

I've made it to the end of my Handmade Christmas Present list.  This will truly be a Handmade Christmas (Kirsty eat your heart out!).

Every member of my family will receive at least one handmade gift from me.   

Including teachers' pressies, the totals are:

3 mugrug/hostess box sets
7 journal/diary covers
3 sets of change trays
6 Tea bag wallets
3 tissue pouches
6 make up bags
1 gift bag
2 cushions
1 Batbag/toy pouch
1 laptop sleeve
2 doll quilts/pillow sets
3 mini baskets
3 pairs of crochet fingerless gloves
1 crochet headband
1 cot quilt for a Christmas baby (still to arrive!)

and a partridge in a pear tree!

I mentioned above a crocheted headband.  I got carried away making these cute flowers from a pattern Sarah gave me.

And I thought they would look lovely on crocheted headbands.  My youngest always wears headbands to tame her magnificent thick, blonde locks, so this will be an extra wee stocking filler for her.

Modelled by Daughter no.1
And one last pic (or 2) of the diary cover my hubbie requested.

Of course, just because I've finished my list, doesn't mean I'll be sitting back on my laurels. Oh no!  

The kids finish school today and tomorrow, which will mean a demand for Christmassey activities (hopefully not involving shops!) and I might even get a UFO from the summer finished (more on that tomorrow).

Hope you are getting organised and not getting stressed!

Judith xo


  1. Wow great job- that's quite some list!

  2. What a list, so glad you included the partridge.
    I just have one thing to finish off today.........

  3. You are amazing! Bet it feels so good to write that completed list out :)
    I'm trying to get organised but am really just a bit stressed!

  4. Thats one hell of a list, you should be really pleased with yourself!

  5. Wow, Judith! Congrats to you for finishing all your presents ("pressies") in advance (something I never do-- I'm notoriously late on presents, but now my familiy expects it of me). I'm still chugging away at my machine. Your list is quite an accomplishment! Yay you!! I missed yesterday's post-- happy belated blogiversary!! I will go take a look... I love your crocheted flowers, by the way.

  6. Just checked back in your archives to see when I actually started following you [but didn't want to comment a 2nd time on your blogiversary post since its a giveaway]-- it was early June that I first visited (and started following).
    Have fun quilting today!!

  7. Oh my goodness you've been so productive. I've sort of drawn to a halt. I've got a few bits of finishing to do but when that's done I won't be doing any making until after Christmas - my Christmas bunting never got made - it's in my unfinished pile until next year lol

  8. This is one impressive list. Way to go! Is there a way to keep Hadley from entering?

  9. Flipping 'eck, that's quite a list!! Well done you - have you made anything for yourself?! Love the hair band, such a great idea!

  10. Congratulations on finishing making the Christmas presents! wow..that's really a great accomplishment..two thumbs up for you :)

  11. Wow, you win the prize, that is a lot of gifts! And each was lovely too. It is always so nice to receive a hand made gift as it is a gift of someone's time and attention as well as the one of a kind item.

  12. wow, can't believe how much you have made!!

  13. Woohoo, go you! Sure the family will appreciate every bit of effort you put in :oD

    Now, how much would it take in bribery from the rest of us for you to 'lose' Hadley's entry? ;o)

  14. That's a very impressive list of handmade goodies! I hope your family appreciates the love and time that's gone into them :)

  15. Love the way you popped the flower on the headband - looks fab and just her colours! Told you they were addictive!

  16. Woohoo! - to you. Well done wonderwoman and now go relax with a nice glass of Baileys. You have earned it!

  17. Blimey!!
    That's an amazing list!
    You'll all want to be my friend when I win the lotto :)

  18. My goodness, it's superwoman! I always find the Partridge in a Pear ~Tree the hardest to finish! lol

  19. You should be really proud of yourself this year! I made a few handmade gift items and hope to make them all next year....

  20. Judith that's a tremendous list!! Well done! I love those flower and the hairband :)


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