
Thursday 22 December 2011

Blanket of Love

I've been wanting to try out Elizabeth Hartman's wonky cross block for ages.

And this week I got an opportunity.

Quick, easy and satisfying - my kind of block!

These blocks are 8.5" unfinished, and a 3x3 mini quilt is the perfect size to donate to Kat's Blankets of Love Charity.

So this has already been parcelled up with some backing and binding, ready to be posted to Oz!

And the UFO I was referring to yesterday?

This Kaleidoscope quilt was originally part of a QAL with Don't Call Me Betsy.  I didn't finish it by the deadline (what's new)!

However, it is now basted and ready to be quilted (scratch head).  No clue yet how to quilt it!  It was originally for daughter no.3 who loves green.  But she's not expecting this for Christmas, so I'm not putting the pressure on to get it done by Sunday.  

 If it happens, it happens. C'est la vie!

Judith xo

P.s. I plan to do the Blogiversary draw later today and will announce the winner tomorrow!


  1. Kat's going to love those wonky crosses! And I love both those and the kaleidoscope quilt top. The colours are stunning.

  2. Fab! I love the kaleidoscope quilt! I wanted to join that quilt along but there was just too much else going on. If I had joined in I think it would have been my first hand quilted quilt. I was tempted to quilt the octagon shape one colour and the internal star another. Maybe that could work for you as in your no tin a rush :-)

  3. The wonky crosses are great, thats a technique I've been wanting to try too, and wow! Kaleidoscope looks fab!

  4. I love both these quilts but especially like the wonky crosses. thanks for sharing

  5. Could you stop being quite so productive now!!?

  6. Love both quilts! If you're looking for simple quilting how about quilting 1/4" inside the white kite and then 1/4" inside the square at the centre of each octagon? Or in the ditch round the octagon and square?

  7. I love them both! I have the quilting of my kaleidoscope on the list for next week too! I am going to echo all the seams at 1/4" or thereabouts from the seam.

  8. Oh WOW! I love the crosses. Must put that on my to-do list. Perfect for Kat's collection. The Kaleidoscope is SPECTACULAR. Abslutely lovely. I just can't get over how much you're finishing off this time of year. Well done, you!

  9. I love the wonky crosses - thanks for the link!

  10. Love your wonky crosses, and your kaleidoscope is fab, looking forward to seeing it done (when you get there)

  11. the kaleidoscope quilt is definitely on my to do list for 2012, I have seen so many lovely pics of it: and yours looks amazing, i love those colours

  12. Your crosses are wonderful but I love the kaleidoscope! Such yummy colors!

  13. Lovely blanket top for Kat. That Kaleidoscope will be beautiful when it's finished.

  14. Lovely Blanket of Love Judith!! Thank you so much in advance :)
    At this rate it will likely be able to still be included in Batch 1, because despite my best intentions I did not manage to get them delivered to the hospital before Christmas.

    Gosh I'm in love with that kaleidescope quilt though!! I ADORE it and think I'm definitely going to have to make one of these myself next year now that I've cleared out my UFO drawer ready for some new projects...

    I'm stumped out of quilting suggestions too I'm afraid. Eeek what a tough call.
    What about just straigh line quilting horizontally or vertically or something since there are so many angles going on?


  15. I love both of these. A kaleidoscope quilt is on my 'to do' list, and it looks like a wonky cross one may be joining it, lol.

  16. I love the wonky cross blocks and that quilt is gorgeous! I'm going to have to make one!! Love the colours and will be interested to see how you quilt it :)

  17. Both look great but I love the quilt top!


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