
Tuesday 20 December 2011

1 Year Blogiversary!

It's exactly one year ago today that I wrote my first blog post.

My amazingly talented friend, Sarah, started blogging a few days before, and suggested I do the same!  I went from never being the least bit interested in computers to needing a 'fix' every day! 

It has been a wonderful year of learning, growing, being inspired by the astounding creativity out there in blogland and of course, making some wonderful new friends.

I would like to say a special 'thank you' to those of you who take the time and interest to pop over and read my nonsensical ramblings.  I never would have expected anyone to be interested in this creative venture, let alone hang in there week after week.  You rock!

To celebrate this special milestone I would like to make something bespoke for one of my regular readers, so I'm not doing a generic giveaway.

I would love it if you could tell me 1. your favourite colour in fabric, and also 2. choose one of the following handbags which I would be delighted to gift to you.  One comment will do for both & I'll find some means of randomly selecting the winner (Archie could you please teach Poppy how to select winners?).

Martha May
Modern Maud
Boxy Bag
Thank you for celebrating with me, and I look forward to another year of blogging with you! 

Judith xo


  1. Right I'll jinx myself and go first! I love your blog, and your friendship. Happy blogiversary! I also love all your bags but just might have a preference for Martha May. I like reds, and I like blues, and orange too. Not necessarily all together! If I was lucky enough to win, you could surprise me which colour you chose to go with. Here is to another great year of blogging from you.

  2. happy one year anniversary! I was reading your original posts the other day when you mentioned it was coming up. My fave fabric colour is anything duck egg blue (ie my bedroom!). your bags are fab and its such a hard choice but I think it would be modern maud for me. Thank you!

  3. Aw, congrats Judith on your first year - it's been a pleasure getting to know you, I feel just the same about blogging as you, would never have believed how much fun it would be.
    What a lovely gesture you are making - my fave colour still seems to be that acidic green, chartreuse - and I love Martha May.x

  4. Happy bloggaversary!

    I love the second bag...a Modern Maud with the blue corduroy! Just beautiful...But then I love blue :o)

  5. Congradulations. I love reading your blog, you are so creative. Martha May would be my favoourite in blue

  6. Yeah Judith - it has been a pleasure getting to know you, learning from and being inspired by you and you makes! Amen to the blogging thing - my blogiversary is in March and can't believe how far I have come!

    Love Martha and bright colour - hard to choose a favourite but Fuschia would be fun!

  7. I can't believe we have all known each other for so little time!
    Happy Blogiversary to you.
    I think I would look good with a Martha May, and I'm thinking navy and grey would look cool - it would actually go better with my outfits than my usual quilty fave colours!

  8. Has that really only been a year, J? It feels like I've known you for much longer! What a lovely giveaway, too, I keep forgetting/missing my big blog moments!

    1. I love green. Any shade from turquoise to forest.

    2. That's impossible picking one of those! But I do love that pretty red on Martha May.

    Here's to your next year!!

  9. Congratulations, its a whole different world in blog land isn't it?

    All the bags are lovely but I have to plump for the Martha May. Anything green is good for me.

  10. Awe Judith, congratulations on a whole year of blogging! I love reading your blog, thoroughly enjoying getting to know you, here's to another year of blogging success :) Hmm, Martha May does it for me, and colours oh, acidic lime greens, turquoise, and I especially love your denim! :) Happy day chick!

  11. Happy Blogiversary Judith :) I love reading your blog and am so glad I've got to know you.
    I love all those bags but I think Modern Maud is my favourite.
    I'm a bit boring when it comes to bags, and think I ould choose charcoal (or dark) grey, and then let you choose a pop of colour.
    I love that dark blue cordoroy too.

  12. It's been lovely reading along with you from the start :-) I can't believe it's only been a year. This is a really generous giveaway! I love all 3 of these bags although Modern Maud and Martha May are especially fabulous. I'd be delighted to receive either of those in a red, grey, black sort of thing. The majority of my clothes are black :-)

  13. So glad you did start! Happy Bloggiversary :-) I really like the boxy bag (although I think it needs a nicer name next to those two beauties!) and colour wise, oh I love most really! but if it had some denim or cord I'd be especially chuffed :-)

  14. Happy Blogaversary ! Although I didn't find you at the start I've been reading along for a while now!
    I love Martha May and my favourite colour is green!
    How about doing a sew-a-long for one of your bags in the new year???

  15. Happy Blogiversary. I have had so much fun getting to know you. You never fail to be a source of inspiration to me and many others I am sure. Please keep up the good work!!

    Favorite color? hmmm probably turquoise at the moment. but then that is subject to change on a whim. Oh and all those bags are lovely but I think Martha May is my Modern Martha heck either one is fine with me. I just can't decide. So, if I win surprise me!!!

    Seriously, Judith!!! Thanks so very much for just being YOU!!!

  16. Congratulations on a year of blogging....

    Ooooo what a delicious position to be in, to have the dilemma between your gorgeous selection of bags........ it's taken a lot of mulling over before making this comment. But I think Martha May has won it by a whisper..... and favourite colour is green - darker shades I think.

    I look forward to the next year of your creations Tanya x

  17. congratulations judith! what a sweet idea to celebrate! I'm definitely a blue and gray kind of girl and I LOVE your modern maud bag!

  18. Oooh, sticking my hat in the ring but slightly wondering if that is irrelevant as I see Hadley's name already ;-)
    Love all colours (except possibly black) and totally love that first bag of yours.
    Happy blogiversary and happy Christmas too.

  19. Congratulations! I hope to be reading your lovely blog for years to come, it has been great fun getting to know you! I love all the bags, but Martha May is my favourite. In terms of colours, I love them all, if I was picking one for a bag, it would be grey and blues buth then I like the colours you have used for the bag here, red yellow grey.

  20. Congratulations!! My favourite colour (for bags!) would probably be a medium/dark grey or black (or dark blue denim!) with a splash of colour and if it had a bit of cord or denim or velvet in/on it I'd be thrilled skinny! If Poppy's like Archie she'll require biscuits and bribing!

  21. I can't believe you've only been using computers for a year, never mind blogging. You've got a much better hang of it than I have.
    My favourite colour is a rusty autumnal orange along with all the other autumn colours of browns and greens. The Martha May bag is my favourite of the three.
    Teresa x

  22. Happy Blogivesary, my friend. In years to come when they establish QBA (Quilting Bloggers Anonymous) you will be able to say "Hello my name is Judith and I'm a Blogging Addict and it's all Sarah's fault". Wish my influence could have been healthier, my friend, but there's always therapy!

    What an amazing blogging year you've had and what great opportunities have opened up to you as a result - I'm so delighted for the success of all that you do and your wee blog too. As they say, many happy returns!!!

    Your giveaway speaks volumes of your generous and creative spirit - such a lovely non-generic idea!

    Love all your bags but Martha May is a stunner! I love the colours she is already made up in -is it red or pink, either way very nice indeed!

  23. Happy Blogiversary! what a fab and generous giveaway! (Although having been on the receiving end of one of your swap parcels I already knew what a kind and generous person you are.) If I was lucky enough to win I'd go for the Martha May - only I can't decide on the colours. Although maybe nothing too light because I'd hate it to get marked. Maybe navy or another dark colour with a pop of something bright?

  24. Happy blogiversary, and may there be many more :o) I'v enjoyed getting to know you.

    As for favourite colours, would you accept the rainbow as an option? ;o) Failing that, if I HAVE to choose, then I rather like grey with black and light blue, and I'm quite partial to Maud :o)

    Thank you for the chance to win one of these beauties :o)

  25. Hi Judith. Happy Blogiversary. Your blog is one of my favourites. I love seeing what you make and eagerly drop by every day. If I were to be a recipient of your fab giveaway then I would pick the Martha May in green and pink. I would definitely want it to be seen and not to blend into the background!
    I look forward to seeing your 'makes' in the coming year.

  26. Are you serious? Only a year of blogging? Girl, you're a pro! Happy blog-a-birthday! I've loved popping in to see your creative ideas come to life. You're like Geppetto, bringing rags to their riches. What a great gift that is.
    Martha May is my girl-just the way she is. Keep the good times rolling!

  27. Congratulations on a year of blogging, the bags are lovely , I like the first one, modern maud and aqua is my favourite colour. Happy Christmas.

  28. Happy Anniversary!
    I like to visit your blog for inspirations. :)

    For colors in fabric, I like red and aqua.
    And the Martha May is my most favorite of the three.

  29. Happy anniversary! I am so happy that you started blogging and we've crossed bloggy circles. You are always a source of inspiration, offer beautiful creations and colors that brighten my day. Yea you!

    I'd love to enter your giveaway if you'll have me. I just sorted my stash based on color. I really like red, yellow, blue and green, but apparently have absolutely no purple in the stash. Who knew? And your Martha May is just beautiful.

  30. Happy blogiversary Judith! I've been following a while now and always enjoy popping in for some inspiration.
    I'm a fan of Martha May too and think she'd be delicious in greys and blues/turquoise. Thanks for such a personal and generous giveaway!

  31. Congrats on your first year! Woo hoo!
    I love bag #1! In Aqua of course :)
    Shove over Hadley and Susan because it's my turn to won. Although just having won Rhonda's giveaway I've probably used up all my luck... I'm not known for being good at winning things lol...

  32. Happy Blogiversary!! Such a nice idea for a giveaway! I love grey and right now am having a thing for deep coral! The Martha May is my favourite :)

  33. Congratulations Judith! You have packed so much into your 1st year of blogging and such a generous giveaway! I love the Modern Maud bag and anything deep purple/grey would be lovely!

  34. Congratulations Judith! You have packed so much into your 1st year of blogging and such a generous giveaway! I love the Modern Maud bag and anything deep purple/grey would be lovely!

  35. Congrats o your one-year blogiversary, Judith!! How exciting!! I "discovered" you in early-mid summer, when you were working on the scrappy green heart that's pictured in your header. (It would be interesting for me to actually go back in your blog archives to see the dates you worked on that and to see if I am estimating correctly-- maybe I'll do that after I comment). But anyway, I'm a big fan of YOU and your work. I love all your savvy bags, but if I had to pick one to "win", I'd have to choose Martha May. There are so many colors and fabrics that I love that it's hard to choose, but I'm very fond of teal. Very generous of you to offer one of your bags for your blogiversary giveaway. So glad to have connected with you via blogland :0)

  36. Happy bloggy birthday J!! Lovely blog, lovely lady :-)

    Martha May is my total fave. Think she would look lovely in grey and black. Or grey and green. Or blues. Suprise me!

  37. happy anniversary.
    And a giveaway.
    I think Martha May would be a good choice in browns and beige. Here's to the next year.

  38. Happy Blogversary! I enjoy coming here and checking out what you are up to....your blog is a great place of inspiration and I wish you many more years to come....I would love the Martha May and my favorite color in fabric at the moment is any shade of red....


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I really appreciate it & I will always reply. (If you don't get a reply from me it is because you are a 'no reply comment' blogger. You might want to change your blog settings to make sure folks can reply to your comments more easily.) Jxo