
Monday 19 December 2011

A Great Exchange!

Before the visitors descended yesterday I managed to finish the last pair of crochet fingerless gloves for daughter no. 1 (as modelled by daughter no.3):

Sorry about the hideous nail polish!
And then the visitors arrived and I'm chuffed to say the presents exchange went down a treat!

Bat boy loved his Bat Bag:

And the older boys were surprisingly enthusiastic about their cushions:

The Rugby player (with stitches in his chin from a recent training session!)

And my 'daft but beautiful' sister loved getting her wee treats.

This is my sister who has been selling some of my handbags and makeup bags in her Hairdressing Salon.  In total 5 Handbags and 20 makeup bags sold!  Result!

And my BIL got some handmade change trays, which after opening them looked at me and said 'Explain?' said he would definitely be using them!

So a fun day was had by all!

Wishing you a great start to the new week (1 week to go .....eeeeeeeek!)

Judith xo


  1. Great going on the gift giving and on the selling front. So pleased some of the bags sold too!

  2. you and your sister look a lot alike! well done on selling so many things at your sisters salon and glad that everyone was so pleased with their gifts (how could they not be!!)

  3. Looks like you had a great time with your sis and family. Bet you had a warm glow when the pressies were opened. Good on you for your selling venture being so successful.

  4. So glad that you had a nice visit with family and that your lovely homemade "pressies" were well-received (I knew they would be!). You have done such an amazing job of present-making for everyone. Glad to hear that at least a few of your handbags sold-- and there's still 5 days left, and plenty of last minute shoppers. As for me, I have to go hit my machine as I still have more to finish up-- eek!! I love your daughter's blue nail polish-- it goes well with the crocheted gloves. Everyone looks very happy :0) Have a great week!!

  5. It looks like you have a lovely time. You have a family full of good looking folks who clearly like their wonderful gifts!

  6. What great presents and well done on selling all those bags and make up bags!

  7. Yay lots of sold bags then! Well done with all the gift making, you've done well!

  8. Yay for gratefully received pressies (although I fear I shall also be having to explain the concept of a mug rug and hostess box to my gran if I get as far as making them for her stocking!)

    Also, congrats on all the sales, we told you they'd be snapped up :oD

  9. Yay! Lovely to see your hard work being appreciated :-)

  10. Judith that's so lovely! Congratulations on your sales!
    How nice to see your smiling family appreciating the gifts! I'm hoping for the same reactions ;)

  11. Fabulous reception for all your gifts! Well done for putting smiles on so many faces!

  12. Judith, I am back to report that the FUNC has made it safely to my house in Canada. I have reported to Rhonda on her blog post today (Dec 19). Thank you for entrusting me to its care and continued journey!

  13. Wow you made so many great gifts! Look how happy they look! I would be just as thrilled as your sister!

  14. Those smiles are the best reinforcement to making well thought out, handmade gifts with love. I know your work, and it's always, always well made and the perfect gift. I'm so pleased they were all so well received.


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