
Sunday 18 December 2011

Saturday Sewing

Well the present making fervour continued a pace yesterday.

Here's what I got done:

For my sister (to accompany a teabag wallet & tissue pouch):

For my mum (to accompany the mugrug/hostess box set):

A journal cover

Teeny tiny crochet heart by Attic 24
For my eldest daughter:

Journal Cover

Recycled crochet trim from lovely Terri

For my middle daughter (the footie fanatic):

Journal Cover

After seeing these book covers, my husband decided he would like a cover for his new 2012 diary, so I managed to get some pieces cut out from leftover Indigo Berries.  Will show you more when I get it finished.

My sister & her family are visiting with us today, and I can't wait to give them all their hand made pressies!  There is definitely more joy in the giving than the receiving!

Have a restful Sunday!

Judith xo


  1. Woohoo, go you! Great collection of makes :o)

    I have one of those mug rugs/hostess boxes on my list for my gran's stocking, but it may yet fall off the bottom lol

  2. Those are all wonderful! Such nice presents to give and to receive!

  3. Well done you! I love how each one perfectly suits the recipient. You are a brilliant gift giver! Hope you enjoyed your day with all the family together.

  4. You got that bag and 3 journal covers done in one day? How many arms do you have?! Amazing.

  5. Lovely personalised pressies - should be lots of smiles when these are opened!

  6. Your gifts are just lovely! So very thoughtful.

  7. Someone has been busy burning the midnight oil! Well done Judith!

  8. Hope you've had a lovely day - great gift making - do you want to finish my list!?

  9. Such a lot of fabulous crafty goodness...thanks for sharing :o) P.S. Love the little crochet heart!!

  10. These are lovely! Great little details.

    Oh and by the way I had to crack open the tissues today when I hadn't any boring ones and Chief needed one while we were out. I tried to tell him that he'd look a bit girlie with a patterned Cath Kidson tissue but he still wanted on!!!

  11. Incredibly pretty gifts Judith! There's no rest for me until Christmas!

  12. More wonderful things - I love your fabric and colour choices!

  13. Oh Judith! What a clever clogs you are. I'm squealing that you've used that trim! I just knew you could bring it back to life. I'm in awe at your ticked gift list. Well done you.


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