
Friday 23 December 2011

We have a winner!

Thank you lovely readers for entering my blogiversary giveaway, all 38 of you!

My beautiful bloggy buddy, Ceri, inspired me to be more creative about choosing the winner of my blogiversary giveaway.

So out came the Uno and my trusty little helper.  The first number drawn out from the 0-3 numbers was:

and then a quick shuffle of the 0-9 numbers to get

That means the winning number is 06 - NICKY!

Well done to Nicky!  Martha May will soon be winging her way to you with something Fuscia inside (better get my thinking cap on!).

And want to hear something hilarious?  Guess who was number 7?  Only Golden Touch Hadley!! Phew! Talk about a close one!  

And a final pic of a wee extra stocking filler for footie mad daughter no.2.

Ayumi's baskets - intended as desk tidies - well we live in hope!
Have a fab Friday!

Judith xo


  1. Congratulations Nicky - I can't believe Hadley was only one away! (Great picking method though!) And I do hope the desk tidies work...have a lovely day!

  2. Nicky is the new Hadley as she won on my blog last week!

  3. Thanks for a great giveaway Judith and congratulations to Nicky!

  4. Congrats to Nicky!

    The desk tidies look very cool :)

  5. Oooh congrats to Nicky! Love those fabric baskets. I think I've not use the 'right' sort of wadding with the one's I've made as they've ended up very flimsy.

  6. Congrats to Nicky! What a lovely prize *envy envy*

  7. Congrats Nicky! And love the wee baskets

  8. I am on a lucky streak - move over Hadley! (sorry)

    Thank you ever so much Judith - how stylish will I be!

  9. Congrats to the winners! more pressies to open!

  10. OK - you are now all officially struck off the 'lotto friends' list!

    Well done Nicky - I'm not bitter x

  11. I guess I need to buy a new push up bra!!

  12. Yay Nicky! Congrats! That is too funny that Hadley was #7-- maybe she's moving from golden to silver and is giving some of the rest of us a chance :0)

  13. Congrats to Nicky! Thanks for running such a lovely giveaway J.

  14. Congrats to Nicky! I love the baskets, I hope they work.

  15. Congrats to Nicky. Great giveaway Judith.

  16. Nicky is the one with the lucky touch now then! Hadley and I will have to start stalking her postman instead!

  17. Well done Nicky.
    Have a lovely Christmas Judith, I have really enjoyed getting to know you over the last few months.x


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