
Sunday 1 February 2015

Thank Goodness!

I can't tell you how glad I am that January is over!  It's been a long, dreary month, and my body is craving a new season!

Having said that, winter days make for great sewing days!

January'15 roundup

Not a bad month of makes I suppose!  

I haven't blogged about everything here yet, but don't worry, I will - as well as all the antics we got up to yesterday in Bee Blessed!

Have a great weekend!

Jude xo


  1. That's a lovely mosaic of bright coloured projects to brighten up January!

  2. Whah, great stuff! When I see this, I forget about the windy, muddy raining weather outside. The sky looks beige with Sahara sand!

  3. What lovely pockets on that dress. All dresses should have pockets in my opinion!

  4. Great makes, Judith! Your dress came out beautifully!

  5. Hello Jude!
    Lovely work! Such summery colours!

  6. Lovely projects, Jude. We had a mild January, which is unusual and February has arrived extremely COLD! :)

  7. You were nicely productive in January. But I agree that it's time to move on from dark winter days.

  8. Lots of gorgeous bright makes there to make up for the gloomy winter

  9. What a lovely post to brighten us all up in this weather, can't wait to see next month's makes xx

  10. Looks like January was a lovely month!


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