
Monday 2 February 2015

Bee Blessed BOM

Firstly, thank you for all the wonderful Maple Leaf blocks for January!  They look amazing and I can't wait to show you the quilt top when it's all sewn together!

Our February block is just as gorgeous!

Arrowhead block for Bee Blessed Feb'15

This is the 'Arrowhead' block and you can find the tutorial over on Sarah's blog.

And we want to give a big 'Thank you' to the Modern Quilters of Ireland!  Just look what they made for Bee Blessed!

quilt tops donated to Bee Blessed

Isn't it brilliant!  We oohed and aahed over all the beautiful blocks at Bee Blessed on Saturday. Thank you so much for your wonderful donation MQI ladies!

Last year we were donated a few other quilts tops from a very talented elderly quilter.  They are beautifully made, but quite large, so we've decided to do them justice and get them long arm quilted, ready for donation.

quilt tops donated to Bee Blessed

So that's you all up-to-date with Bee Blessed news!  And if you are local to Belfast and fancy joining in with some patchwork fun, then check out the dates on my Bee Blessed page and come on down!

Jude xo 


  1. Jude, the arrowhead block is new to me - thanks for the link - I'm going to give it a try. I love the blue and green quilt - the colour is gorgeous! The quilt top is a beauty and I hope you'll share it after it's been quilted. :)

  2. The block should make a great quilt.

  3. Wow! What a fabulous quilt from the Modern Quilters' Guild! And great idea on the long arm quilting.


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