
Tuesday 20 January 2015


Just about every bit of sewing I'm working on at the moment I can't tell you about yet!!

All secret squirrel stuff, but please be patient and I will be able to show you all in good time!

What I can show you is the progress on my rainbow charms quilt!

I have the quilt top sewn together now ..

Rainbow charms quilt
It was raining when I got home from work so indoor shots only!
...and the backing pieced too.

Next step basting and then I can crack on with the quilting.  This will be a thank-you quilt for friends in England (which was supposed to be there in time for Christmas, but don't tell anyone!!).

Well it's still bloomin' freezing here!!  I HATE BEING COLD!!  If I wear any more layers I'll be able to roll to work and back!!

Keep warm!

Jude xo


  1. It is going to be such a happy quilt. Just beautiful!!!

  2. Looks great! My cousins had fun playing with them on the design wall so I might have to make mine into their design at some stage!

  3. *swoon* Love that rainbow quilt!

  4. lots of layers is the key! keep looking at the rainbow :-)

  5. Looks great.. I hate being cold too!

  6. I'm really looking forward to seeing your rainbow quilt! Hope you're warm today...

  7. Love the rainbow colours. About the weather.....well, I live in Greece! Sunny day, nice temperature. I am blessed!!! (as far as the weather is concerned!).

  8. Cute!! It's cold here too - no really it is!

  9. Love a good rainbow! Hope you're starting to thaw, it got discernibly warmer here today


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