
Monday 1 December 2014

Welcome Winter!

I had a lovely weekend on the other side of the Irish Sea, visiting special friends ....

Terri, Me, Trudi (Brit Bee)
Terri (L) & Trudi (R)
.. and my lovely Uni girl!

Christmas lights in Derby

Gifts were exchanged, hugs, giggles and unhealthy food were a-plenty!

But most importantly new and lasting memories were created, to be forever treasured.

And despite all my best efforts to slow down time and hold back the insane rush towards Christmas, it looks like December is here already, and I didn't quite succeed!

Nov14 Roundup

My projects in November seem to be mostly of the 'pouch' variety!

So the countdown to Christmas has begun! The advent calendar is up, Christmas Market tomorrow, and a few more pressies to make!

Linking up to Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day!

Jude xo


  1. So pleased that you had a good time with the Brit Bees and your girl. Di x

  2. I'm sure you made lots of presents: for your loved ones or someone else's. Will you be selling stuff at the Christmasmarket?

  3. I think your sewing machine needs a rest!!

  4. As ever, I'm in awe at all your wonderful creations xx

  5. looks like a fun weekend all round, good to spend time with friends and the daughter. A great round up for the month too.

  6. Glad you had such a fab weekend, and loads of gorgeous makes there too

  7. So wonderful to be able to meet our kids during their adventures!! wonderful makes!!

  8. Love your creations. Those weekends are little treasures that keeps you warm and happy!

  9. wow!!! that's a lot of gorgeous creations. What a beautifully colorful month you had.


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