
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Closing Down Sale!

Sometimes it takes a great deal of faith and courage to make the hard decisions in life!

I have been self-employed for over 5 years now, teaching my own patchwork, quilting and sewing classes.  I have loved my job, and always considered it a privilege to be able to share my ideas, inspire and teach others who are willing to learn.

One month ago I announced to my ladies that I will no longer be running my classes after December. For reasons I won't go into here, I have had a challenging 17 months.  When life throws you curve balls, you can either lie down and be defeated, or see them as opportunities to grow and learn new things. 

I'm proud of myself for keeping home, family and a thriving business running well.  In fact, having classes to prepare for each week has kept me going through some very dark days. 

But I'm exhausted! It's time for a wee break.  In order to properly heal and restore to a healthier balance, I need to take some time out. 

I'll still be teaching in 2 local fabric shops (Quilter's Quest and The Wool Shop), so those of you who are local, feel free to pop in and say hello (or register for a class!).

So as part of the 'winding down' of my classes, I will be having a closing down sale of my fabrics next week (dates and times below).  

Most of the designer quilting fabrics & Kona solids will be for sale at £5 per metre, Essex yarn dyed linen & Tilda will be reduced to £8 per metre.  Fat quarters will be from £1 each.  I will also have the usual basting spray and wadding for sale and some threads.

You can imagine that over 5 years of making class samples I have accumulated quite a few!  So I'll be selling off some of these too!  Here's just a few to whet your appetite!

So if you are local to Belfast, please call in to pick up a bargain, and say goodbye!  Tissues will also be on hand!

Monday: 7pm - 8.30pm
Wednesday & Thursday: 6.30pm - 9.30pm

Thank you for letting me be part of your lives in this inspiring and creative way! 

I will of course continue blogging about my creative antics and selling my patterns on Etsy and Craftsy.

Jude xo


  1. I hope this is a positive new direction for you, and if anyone deserves a bit of a rest, that would be you.

  2. I totally understand the agonising that will have led to this decision and wish you health & happiness for the next

  3. Dear Judith, I wish you all the best with your NEW plans and really do rest and take care of yourself. Did you consider selling your Fabrics also in etsy? We are many friends of yours, WHO Live far away. Hugs! x Teje

  4. Sometimes it is the best to take a break and have a deep breath to get back to life! I wish you all the best for your plans and that you keep sewing and blogging!

  5. It has certainly been a privilege to be taught and inspired by you. May the next stage of the journey give you all the things you are hoping for.

  6. You have done a knock out job over the past number of years and you will continue to do so at this next juncture too. Xxx

  7. Enjoy your time to step back, take stock and just breathe again, then look forward to the new opportunities ahead (as one that was just forced to do that, I'd say it's better to get there voluntarily!)

  8. onwards and upwards honeypie xxxx

  9. I hope next year brings equilibrium to your commitments to work, home, bairns and you. I think you'll do brilliantly at your new jobs xx

    P.S. I can't imagine that your samples aren't going to all fly out the door but if they don't, don't forget to put the rest on here/in your Etsy shop so we can have a chance at them!

  10. I am so glad that you will be continuing with your blog. Could you tell me where your 'sale' is to be held, please? Good luck in your new ventures.

  11. Good luck in your new ventures. Well done for taking care of you too, sometimes we just keep going and do ourselves no favours!

  12. gosh. A difficult decision for you, but work life balance is what it is all about. Good luck in your new ventures x

  13. It takes courage to make bold decisions and take a leap into the unknown. I wish you many blessings in your new venture. Di x

  14. You are one of the bravest ladies I know! I hope and trust that this coming year will bring you respite and healing xxx

  15. brave lady. Wishing all happiness in your next adventure x

  16. That must have been a hard decision, I wish you all the best!

  17. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. I certainly wished you loved nearer because eI would be having a whole pile of that fabric, £5 a metre sounds the bargain of the year. xx

  18. Hope you get to rest and catch up and no longer feel exhausted. Did you own a shop, or just run classes and have stock on hand? I hope everything works out well for you.


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