
Tuesday 30 December 2014

Catching Up!

There has been much lazing about the Hollies' Household this week!  Probably something to do with eating too much and long lie-ins!  Bliss!

Christmas Eve Party Though we did venture out into civilisation one bright sunny day, for a walk along a frozen lake!

Winter walk/frozen lake

So I just thought I would recap on some of the things I've been working on during my recent hibernation!

My Brit Bee secret santa pinny looked liked this:

Brit Bee Secret Santa '14 pin cushion

and it went to this lovely lady!

I've managed to get a good bit done on my first tunic too, but as there is no such thing as a 'standard' size, I'm now trying to 'shape' it to suit my unique proportions!  Not really sure what I'm doing, but happy to play and experiment with it.

Tunic Patch pocket from vintage sheets
patch pockets made from vintage sheets
And in true 'start something new before the last project is finished' style, I've downloaded, taped together and cut out the pattern pieces for the Wikstein Tova dress.

Wikstein Tova pattern

I've been pinning versions of this pattern since it came out.  I love the shape of it and think (hope) it will suit my shape.

Looking forward to giving this one a go!

I also got some Bee Blessed blocks done today, but more on that tomorrow!

That's all for now folks!

Jude xo


  1. we love our pinnie, and the extras were just lovely too (not sharing those!) thank you xxxxx

  2. Ah, now you are actually the right shape for a Tova (on me it would look like a circus tent!)

  3. I'm glad you are enjoying the holidays and making things for you for a change. Good luck with the garment sewing.

  4. Happy NEW Year Judith! I can imagine how wonderful time you had just enjoying your time at home with the girls and goodies. x Teje

  5. I love to hear that you are just chilling this holiday, even in your sewing. Feels good to get off the hamster wheel even for a little bit.

  6. Nice to read that you've been able to "take time and smell the roses" .... careful though, it can be addictive. :D
    All the best for 2015, Jude!

  7. You are the "shape" that suits everything! Small! I'm with Katy. I would like a tank in the Wiksten Tank. Nice to sit around and do not much for the holidays.


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