
Friday 26 December 2014

Boxing Day Winner!

I hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas day, and haven't eaten too much!!!!

I'm delighted to announce the winner of my 4th year blogiversary giveaway as ......

Congratulations to Sara!  I have emailed you already.

I hope you enjoy an extra Christmas present this year!

Thank you everyone for taking part!  The overwhelming feedback on what folks would like to see more of on blogs are tutorials and scrap-busting projects!  So I will be planning to blog about more of these in the New Year!

Jude xo


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I really appreciate it & I will always reply. (If you don't get a reply from me it is because you are a 'no reply comment' blogger. You might want to change your blog settings to make sure folks can reply to your comments more easily.) Jxo